Here are some examples of my prayers. Remember, you can use my prayers as a guide, but don’t forget to ask God for your own specific prayers for your family. You do you!

Prayers for Randy and my marriage:

Let me be a source of joy to my husband. Let him “rejoice with the wife of his youth.” Please keep us occupied with gladness of heart.

Please help me to talk to my husband in a way that brings us closer together. Help me to respect him. Help me to praise him more in private and in front of other people. Give me eyes to see my husband’s heart.

Help me to remember why I fell in love with him in the first place. Rekindle our love. Help us to forgive and keep no bitterness or unforgiveness in our hearts. Help us to celebrate more.

Take my burdens so I can simply walk with you, day-by-day and be a woman who “smiles at the future” and trusts her God. Help me to pray for my husband more and to give him grace as much as possible. Help me to be fun to be around and bring life to my home.

I also pray for our intimacy in our marriage:

“Lord, please bless our intimacy in our marriage. Show us ways to make it more fun and interesting. Help me and my husband to desire it more often. Help me to make intimacy a priority. Help us to both see the blessing that it is and the gift that it is in our marriage. Give us the energy and time to be together. Let our intimacy get better as we age and are married longer. Strengthen my marriage in every way possible.”

(If you are struggling in this area of your marriage, ask the Lord to bring you peace, joy, wisdom, and blessing. Pray for God to bless your marriage more than you could ask or imagine!)

Prayers for my husband:

Lord, please bless my husband. Draw his heart to you. Let him know that you love him, see him and are proud of him. Help him to walk with You closer. Give him a desire and the moments to spend time with you and read your word.

Revive his soul, awaken it. Revive his passion. Help my husband to find peace and happiness in his life.

Please give my husband success in his work. Let my husband be “respected at the city gate.” Let your “favor surround him as with a shield.”

Please give my husband a new vision for his home life with me and the children. Help my husband to lead us well, both physically and spiritually. Show him how to teach the children about God and help me to get out of the way and let him lead- his particular way.

Prayers for myself:

“Lord, teach me to number my days so that I will gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12) and “Show me, Oh Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days. Let me know how fleeting is my life.” Psalm 39:4

Lord, Please help me to play with the kids more and to enjoy my kids more! Help me to laugh a lot and be fun to be around. Please help me to make the time to love my children in a way that they feel loved. Help me to listen to them more and to remember that they are only in our home for a short time.

Lord, Please help me to learn to talk to Randy, Christie and Jack (and now Alex:) in a way that they feel loved and draws them closer to me.

Help me to be more positive and encouraging. Please help me to have a sweet spirit and not a critical spirit.

Lord, Please help me to be the wise woman that builds her house and not the foolish woman who tears down her house with her own hands. (Proverbs 14:1)

Help me today to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19)

Prayers for my children:

Lord, Please help my children to be godly, responsible, respectful, fully obedient, totally dedicated to you, and hunger for the truth.

“Lord, please let my children me steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 1 Cor 15:58

Lord, Please let my children walk in the Truth.

Make yourself real to them and let them know how much you love them.

Show them their life’s calling and how important it is.

Lord, Please bless my children. Enlarge their influence. Help them to influence their world for Christ.

The following prayer is from the book (compilation of prayers), “Prayers for a Mother’s Day”  by Ruth Bell Graham:

“Lord, see in them what I cannot see.

Lord, bring to light what I do not know.

Lord, teach them of what I am not aware.

Lord, whisper to them what I have forgotten.

Lord, warn them of what I have omitted.

Lord, be for them what I cannot be.

Lord, love them for you are all they need.”

-Linda C. Zaenfel