The Wise Woman Builds Her House

Wisdom day 6

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” ~ Proverbs 14:1

“We all live under grace and do the best we can.”- Billy Graham


  • Take time and start your day with a special quiet time in prayer, Scripture reading, and listening for the Lord to speak to your heart. Keep asking the Lord to speak to you specifically about wisdom this week. Watch and pray, expecting answers to your prayers! Also, take the time to light a candle, and drink something delicious too! 🙂
  • Read Proverbs 14:1 and write it in your journal. For deeper study, read the whole chapter.

The Wise Woman Builds Her House

I absolutely love this passage of Scripture, and I pray it often in my own prayer time and when I pray with my friends. I find myself asking God often to make me “The wise woman who builds her house” and to keep me from being “The foolish woman who tears hers down.”

I have read this verse many times and have often pondered its simple, yet profound meaning.

Building my house is what gets me out of bed every morning. As a wife and mother, I am always prayerfully building, building, building.

Even now, as my children have grown up and left the house, I still ask God for ways to build my house and the lives of those closest to me and to have our lives glorify God together.

Let’s look at Proverbs 14:1 a little more closely:

  • What does this verse say the wise woman does?
  • In what ways have you built up your house lately?
  • What does the foolish woman do?
  • Do you feel like you have done anything recently to tear down your house? If so, what?
  • If you have, simply ask God for forgiveness and help to be the Wise Woman who builds her house. Leave it with God and move forward in grace and peace in the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing that you are forgiven and free.

The quote at the beginning of today’s study by Billy Graham says it all!

“We all live under grace and do the best we can.”

We all have to rely on God’s infinite grace and keep trying, keep loving, keep believing and do the best we can.

When my kids were young, I wanted to be wise, but felt like I messed up all the time; I constantly blew it and felt like a failure. There were many nights that I would cry out to God for the help and grace to be wise in my home with my precious husband and children.

I fell time and time again, but I wanted to keep getting up because I knew that if God had called me to be a mother, and raise up children who are eternal beings for Him, then I knew He would help me, and I just had to keep trying.

We all need to keep trying!  Many descendants are coming behind us for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. ( If Jesus doesn’t return before then.)

God has called us, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to live wisely and be women of purpose who live our lives for our Jesus and love those He has put in our lives well.

We will never, ever be perfect, but here is where Jesus comes in- He is perfect, and so we get our wisdom and life from Him to do this wonderful calling He has placed on our lives, to be a Mom.

Questions to ponder: Write the answers to these questions in your journal

  • Is there anything the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about today?
  • Ask God for specific ways that you can build your house this week.

Faith-filled Idea 

The wise woman is intentional with her love for her family! Pray and ask God to help you to understand your husband and children’s hearts. Ask Him to show you their hearts and how you can truly show them love in a way that they feel loved.

God tells us in 1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.” If you are struggling with a particular child, you can pray and ask God to show you the deeper issues of their heart and how to handle it.

Sometimes, your children aren’t being defiant. They simply have an empty “love tank” as talked about in the following books:

“The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” and also for children, “The 5 Love Languages of Children.”

You can find both of the links to these books here:

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Join the Community! Answer today’s questions in the comment box so we can all get to know one another! We at the HCFM are praying for our online community to build relationships, even if they are across the country or the world! 🙂

– How does God help you to be a good mom? 

-Which Bible verse helps you?

Deb Weakly

6 Comments on “The Wise Woman Builds Her House”

  1. Such wisdom in this study! Thank you for encouraging us to keep trying even when we make mistakes! I am contemplating what I can do to build my house this morning! I also love the faith filled idea today. I need to be sure my child’s love tank is full. Thank you for speaking that to my heart!

    1. Yes Tara! It’s SOOOO important to keep trying and never, ever give up!! The Lord uses all of our mistakes for His glory!! He makes all things new!

  2. That is so good! I had not thought of sharing 1 Peter 4:8 with my children when we work through conflict. I will remember that verse! We all need His love to cover over our sins!

  3. I love both of those books! I love 1Peter 4:8 too! I tell it to my children often when we’re discussing mistakes and forgiveness, and sometimes they will tell it to me.

    It’s easy for me to relate this verse to my children, since I love them so much that I can forgive all their sins. While reading it today, I realized that I should have enough love for EVERYONE to cover over their sins against me. That’s hard, but it’s better than holding onto bitterness.

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