There’s No Such Thing as a “Jr. Holy Spirit”

“The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’” 1 Samuel 3:10

“Your call will become clear as your mind is transformed by the reading of Scripture and the internal work of God’s Spirit. The Lord never hides His will from us. In time, as you obey the call first to follow, your destiny will unfold before you. The difficulty will lie in keeping other concerns from diverting your attention.” Charles R. Swindoll

  • Call your prayer partner for your 10-minute prayer call. If you are having continual difficulty connecting with your prayer partner, pray and ask God for wisdom about what to do. If you feel that she is no longer interested in praying together, call her and ask about it. She may have a good reason for being unable to pray. Always assume the best! If she says that she can’t be your prayer partner right now, pray and ask God to bring you someone else. Be on the lookout for this new prayer partner. God will bring her to you!
  • Welcome, friend. Grab your Bible, a pen, and something delicious to sip while you soak in the presence of your Savior! Pray, “Holy Spirit, come. Give me new insight and understanding today.” Read 1 Samuel 3 in the Old Testament, and if you have time, read 1 Samuel, chapter 1.
  • Highlight or underline any Scriptures that seem to stand out to you.

There’s No Such Thing as a “Jr. Holy Spirit”

“No, you’re too young.” These familiar words have been uttered by many parents for thousands of generations. I know I have heard these words spoken to me, and I have proclaimed them to my own children a time or two. Even Jesus, the Son of God, was reprimanded by His parents for hanging out at the synagogue when He obviously should have been with His family at just 12 years old (Luke 2:41-52)! Too little. Too immature. Too inexperienced. The message is clear—and necessary in some situations. But are we encouraging freedom in the areas for which they are not too young, such as their walk with God?

During my childhood and “tween” years, I loved going to Sunday school and youth group. But praying and reading the Scriptures on my own? Not so much. That was something the adults did because they were more “spiritual” than myself. Did anyone tell me this? Of course not! Yet, I felt it keenly because Satan, the deceiver, put that thought in my mind and heart. Unfortunately, no one knew how I felt, so no one could correct my way of thinking. No one told me that I was not too young to hear from God through prayer or quiet time in His Word.

In the story of Samuel, the mighty prophet, we witness that God does speak to those who are little, immature, and inexperienced. Although Samuel was much younger than old Eli, God chose Samuel because of his heart. He didn’t mind that the heart was in an awkward, youthful little body; He simply loved Samuel’s soft heart toward Himself. You see, God can do amazing things with pure, eager, unquestioning hearts. And He values His littlest ones and cautions anyone against diminishing them.

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14 NLT)

Matthew 18:2-4 states that we must become like little children, possessing their humble, unwavering faith, in order to be accepted ourselves. Wow!

God desires childlike confidence—in children and adults alike. The Holy Spirit is the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and dwells in each of us who believe (Romans 8:11). On this topic, God is clear: there is no “junior Holy Spirit,” and we must teach this to our children, reminding them of who they are. They are children of God, and they are not too little. They are loved by God, and He does not view them as immature. God is pleased with them regardless of their inexperience. And, they have the same Holy Spirit living and working inside each of them—just as Samuel, the boy who became a mighty prophet, did, which means that God hears and answers their prayers too!

Blessings and love,

Bek Measmer and the Help Club for Moms Team

Questions to Ponder

  • Do I believe that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is at work in me and in my children?
  • Have I been encouraging and helping my children to read and learn God’s Word for themselves, and have I verbally affirmed that God does speak to them through His Word, through worship songs/hymns, and through the wisdom of those around them—despite their youth?

Faith-Filled Ideas

Encourage your children to pause and listen for God’s voice by practicing “being still” for 10-15 minutes several times each week (increase or decrease as their age and attention allows). Play soft worship music and have them quiet their bodies to listen, and teach them to say, “I’m listening, Jesus,” or “Come Holy Spirit.” After the allotted time is up, ask them “Did you hear Jesus speak to you?” allowing time for answers. Always encourage your children by saying, “Jesus loves you so much, and He sent His Helper, the Holy Spirit, to help you be kind and loving to others. Let’s thank Him for our Helper and praise Him for loving us so much!” Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and guide these sweet conversations. You may be amazed at what God reveals to your sweet children through the repeated practice of listening for God’s voice!

We all have the same Spirit and different spiritual gifts—no matter our age! Pray that the Holy Spirit would rest upon your home, and fill you, your spouse, and each of your children. Write a few of these Scriptures where your family will see them!

  • 1 Timothy 4:12 (NLT)
  • Luke 10:21
  • Romans 8:11
  • 1 Corinthians 12:4
  • 1 Corinthians 10:4
  • 1 Corinthians 12:8-9, 13
  • Ephesians 2:18

This writing comes from our book “The Wise Woman Abides.” You can find it HERE!

Bek Measmer

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