Balancing Homemaking and Busyness

I am one BUSY mom! I have five growing kids ranging from young adults down to a second-grader who has just lost her front two teeth! I keep non-stop busy with Help Club for Moms, coordinating and writing, as well as homeschooling and managing a family of seven, plus all the laundry, meal planning, party planning, shopping, bill paying, and carpooling. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? Guess what- I love it all! I guess I’ve been conditioned to be busy, but I also thrive at it. Being a homemaker comes naturally to me; I love all the planning, preparing, and getting things accomplished or crossed off my list. Is anyone out there like me? I am a worker bee! 

Sister, the truth is-busyness can rob me of the more important things like time with Jesus and making special daily memories with my family. Homemaking isn’t just about making our homes beautiful places to live or crossing chores off a list- it’s also about nurturing and pouring into the lives of those the Lord has placed in our care. 

My struggle isn’t in getting things done but in slowing down to smell the roses, so to speak. My problem is that once my plate is empty, I fill it up with more to do! I am a Martha through and through! The reference to Martha in scripture is often recognized as negative.  It’s true she was too busy preparing for Jesus that she missed out on sitting at His feet like her sister Mary. Sadly, she sacrificed being in the Lord’s presence by being too distracted by serving. Jesus actually rebuked her for not paying attention to what was more important. This scripture definitely convicts me, as it should.  Take a few minutes to read this short account of Martha’s negligence (Luke 10:38-41). 

Martha’s story helps me put into perspective the importance of quiet time spent with the Lord. Knowing the need to schedule time with my Savior first puts this priority at the top of my list. I don’t want to miss out on the sweet, intimate time of conversing with Jesus in prayer or the glory of unabashed worship to Him. Time with Jesus fuels me! Reading God’s Word also equips me.  He helps me organize my day when I give it to Him and ask Him to direct my steps. He also gives me motivation for things yet undone, as well as time management to do what still is needed. Sister, making time for Jesus is MORE important!

I need mental reminders to enjoy the moment and to treasure the “here and now”. The Help Club’s “Six Most Important” list has really helped me prioritize my to-do list and helps me to make sure I don’t forget the things I need to do each day. I have revised it a little to make it my “Seven Most Important List” with a box for “Time with Jesus” at the top for me to check off when completed, and then all the names of my five children plus my husband’s. At the end of the day, instead of crossing off the things that I’ve accomplished, I write down how I was purposeful and intentional in loving my family.

 This list is a reminder to me as a BUSY mom to make sure I don’t forget the MORE important things/people in my life! Simply logging what I did, keeps me accountable.  Believe it or not, if you are an overachiever like me and can cross off six things done by noon, ask yourself if you are crowding out time with the most important people in your life.  I humbly challenge you to try this new approach to making the MOST of your homemaking by making investments in your family happen every day!  

I  identify with Martha, but also with Mary. I don’t degrade my passion for being a “doer” any longer- neither should you- but busy moms need balance!  Take my advice and daily approach the throne of grace and ask Jesus for time management in your Homemaking and child-rearing.  He just might strengthen you to get everything done in the power of His Spirit and invite you to sit at His feet for a while.


Rae-Ellen Sanders and The Help Club Team

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Rae-Ellen Sanders
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