See Yourself As Christ Sees You

“I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and … Read More

Choosing JOY in the MESS of MOTHERHOOD

Being a mom is incredible, but it can also be incredibly hard. I try to get the house picked up before I go to bed at night, but by 10 a.m., it looks a hurricane swept through. Breakfast is finished, but … Read More


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1 Dear friend, I was recently dealing with an issue that has … Read More

A Mothers Prayer

A Mother’s Prayer:   “Lord, see in them what I cannot see. Bring to light what I do not know. Whisper to them what I have forgotten. Warn them of what I have omitted. Be for them what I cannot … Read More

Powerful Prayers for 2021- Part Two

We are talking about Jesus’ great love today. He loves each one of us so much and so intimately! Join Deb and Linda as they share personal stories of Jesus’ love for them and talk about how each one of … Read More

Valentine’s Day: Have a Love Party- Printable

Are you looking for fun, meaningful ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your children? Grab some of these ideas and put together a “Love Day Party” of your own! Click this link to access the “Love Party” Printable!