How About Hosting a “Rude Friday”?

Hey Mamas! Would you like a fun and easy idea that sure to bring a lot of laughter to your home? Try hosting a “Rude Friday!”

Most every Friday night, when our kids were growing up, we ordered pizza, invited a couple of their friends over, and settled in for a fun evening. Our whole family would chew with our mouths open, burp, talk with our mouths full, and keep our elbows on the table.

The understanding was that they had to be polite and use good table manners the other days of the week, but when Friday came around, it was all-out loud, impolite fun!! Our kids still remember those nights and how much fun they were!

Now… the sad question… What do we do now with the Covid Crisis? How can we host our child’s friends during a pandemic? How about arranging a virtual “Rude Friday Zoom Call” where they can have a wonderfully impolite virtual time with their friends, and burp and talk with their mouths full of pizza (or some other kind of food)? It’s definitely not the same as having an in-person gathering, but it will help encourage your child and their friends, and when this all blows over, you can have all of these kids over for a fun celebratory event!! It’s going to be soooo much fun!! Try it this week!

Deb Weakly

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