Jesus — Our Living Water

“Let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes to take the water of life as a gift.” Revelation 22:17b (NRSV)

“When we come to Him (Jesus) with an empty cup, He will fill it, often beyond our capacity to receive. He is truly living water, a manifestation of the love of God.” M. Heaps


  • It’s time to call your prayer partner! Make it quick if you must, but having a friend to pray with you and for you is one of life’s greatest blessings.
  • Dear mom, come to Jesus and get refreshed today! His deep well of living water never runs dry.
  • Read John 4:5-42. As you study and meditate, remember you are not wanting mere knowledge about God: His Word is a personal gift so you can know Him. He desires intimacy, to fill you until you are overflowing with His Spirit.

Jesus — Our Living Water

I feel challenged as I read this beautiful story of the woman at the well. Jesus saw beyond his own physical thirst and recognized her spiritual hunger. She was a Samaritan; He was a Jew. Everyone knew Jews didn’t communicate or talk with unclean pagans in those days. He knew her background— her deepest, ugliest secrets—yet still He loved her and took the time to interact with her. He spoke life-giving words that gave hope to pull her out of her sin.

As a Mom this moves me: Unlike Jesus and the woman at the well, my children are my own flesh and blood. It’s so easy to be selfish. Can I look beyond my own physical wants to see their true hunger? Though I see them at their very worst, can I look deeper into their souls and ignite their true potential by speaking the words of Jesus instead of my own? Do I see their God-given potential through Him?

I’ve learned from experience: Correcting our kids with our own dim vision can never, ever permanently fix them. Our own pat answers cannot remedy a sin problem. Our love must go much deeper.

My heart cries out to the Father to be filled with all the fullness of Christ. I want His life to empower, to help connect the dots, to fill the God-shaped deficit in my children’s hearts with life from the heart of the Father, to feed them Truth and to show them the Way.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 (NASB), “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Sweet mama, how easy it is to forget we have nothing to offer in our own strength and natural
abilities. Empty or stale cisterns cannot feed our children.

We need a living, vital relationship with Jesus. He is our answer. Together let’s go to the River. Let’s drink deep—lean heavily on the Spirit who helps us in our weakness. Let’s lead our children to the water He offers today. Fresh, clean, and satisfying, it never runs dry!

Blessings and Love,

Mari Jo

Questions to Ponder

  • Can I see the trials in my children as an opportunity to peer into their souls?
  • Can I give them what they really thirst for—Jesus?
  • Will I offer a cup of cold water in His name to help them develop a craving only He can satisfy?

Faith-Filled Ideas

When you face conflict with your children throughout the day, stop and ask the Holy Spirit what you should do and say instead of reacting negatively. Be sensitive and listen. If you’re not sure what to do, simply be kind.

Mari Jo Mast

One Comment on “Jesus — Our Living Water”

  1. You are so right MariJo! We must go, no, we must RUN to Jesus and cling to Him with everything in us to be able to raise our children up for eternity. He alone knows what’s going on inside their hearts, He has the daily wisdom and strength we need as moms. Motherhood is no small task; it is our Magnum Opus! It is our greatest life’s work and we need Jesus to help us. We can’t do it alone!

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