Love Your Husband- Week One Mom Tips

love your husband week 1 mom tips

“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a

The Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, discipler of your children, homemaker, and friend.

Pray about which ideas to try and keep this list on your fridge all week. Check them off as you accomplish them. Complete all of the Mom Tips or pick one to finish. We all are in different stages of our lives. You do you!

Do what you can and celebrate the fact that you added something new to enhance your life!

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit:

  • Write “But my righteous one will live by faith.” (Hebrews 10:38) on your bathroom mirror in dry erase marker. Ask God each day to help you to live by faith in thought, word, and deed.  Pray for God to help you to live by faith in your marriage and love your husband well.
  •  Take a moment for yourself this week. Plan a pedicure, bubble bath, or simply time to read a book into your busy schedule. God invented rest and wants His daughters to rest when they can and enjoy their lives.

-The Wise Woman loves her Husband:

  • Count your blessings! Pick a day where you and your husband take turns listing off 10 things each that you are most thankful for. Really try to be as detailed as possible; don’t be shallow. Take your time and encourage one another to have a grateful heart to the Lord for all of the ways He has blessed you and shown you His love.
  • Pray for your husband 4 days each week for the next two weeks. Here are some ideas about what to pray:
  1. -Pray for him to know how deeply he is loved by God.
  2. -Ask God to help him to feel your love and for a blessed marriage.
  3. -Pray for his health and for God to heal any illness in his body.
  4. -Ask God to bless his relationships with your children.
  5. -Pray for him to be blessed at work.
  6. You can also ask God what to pray! He will tell you. The main thing is that you do pray.

-The Wise Woman loves her Children: 

  • Pick a couple of days this week to really bless your man, and have some fun with the kids all at the same time. When your husband comes home, go to the door and do what we call the “Daddy dance!” When Dad drives up, everyone goes to the door, starts clapping and singing “Daddy, Daddy Daddy!” What a beautiful way to welcome Dad home and also to show the children how to respect their dad.

-The Wise Woman cares for her Home: 

  • Make your bed three days this week.  An easy way to make it is to do one side at a time.
  • On Saturday, take a moment and plan out your menus for next week and your shopping list. Get your shopping done and chop all of your vegetables for the week ahead of time. List your meals here:

Monday         ______________________________________________________________

Tuesday        ______________________________________________________________

Wednesday  ______________________________________________________________

Thursday      ______________________________________________________________

Friday           ______________________________________________________________

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Answer today’s question in the comment box so we can all get to know one another! We at the HCFM are praying for our online community to build relationships, even if they are across the country or the world!

  • How are the Mom Tips helping you?
  • What is your favorite Mom Tip so far? [/box]
Deb Weakly

5 Comments on “Love Your Husband- Week One Mom Tips”

  1. Loving the mommy tips!! I think it’s great to have the tips for hanging on fridge or try to do two of these. As we all know our Monday can start slow and then in the blink of an eye it’s Sunday already & sometimes I feel pressured to get all the mommy tips in a set time or trying to keep up with other mommies. It doesn’t make me want to do less per say, when I see a list, but I know I don’t have to get it done in a day the “pressure” seems off. I think the tips are just great though!

    1. Tori, if it makes you feel better, I never do all the Mom Tips in a week. I don’t even attempt it. I look at the list, circle one or two that will fit into my week. Once those are done, I might choose one or two more, but honestly, I rarely get that far. If you can incorporate just one Mom Tip into your routine and maintain it even after this study ends, that’s huge!!! Keep your blinders on, do what God calls you to, and don’t be burdened by anything else!

    2. Thanks Tori! I wonder if you prayed and asked God to show you what you can do in your week? That way you might not feel overwhelmed? Just do what you can:)
      It’s so great to have you in our group! You are such a blessing to me! 🙂

  2. The Mom Tips are a very practical way to help me intentionally live. Because my husband and children can’t wait for a “better time” for me to care for them without suffering harm. These tips are a tool to keep me on track with what really matters, what my family will remember twenty years from now. To live in a way that brings abundant life is a daily battle and is worth the fight! Thank you for your prayers as I pray for you!

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