Mom to Mom with Deb

Dearest Mama,

I recently read the quote by Denis Avery, a prisoner of war survivor who was held in a Nazi work camp next to Auschwitz during World War II. He said, “The mind is a powerful thing, it can take you through walls.” What an incredible testimony to the power of our thoughts!

Prison camps aren’t the only things that have walls. Our relationships, particularly our marriages, can have huge walls that feel as if they could never be broken down. And just like Avery’s quote, our thoughts about our husbands and the quality of our marriages can build up or break down those walls.

The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

God wants us to guard our hearts, and how we do this is by watching what we think about. If you were to be brutally honest, what are the day-in and day-out thoughts you allow yourself to think about your man? Do you see your marriage in a positive light, even if it’s not perfect, or do you constantly nitpick about the things that have gone wrong and are disappointing?

Friend, our thoughts matter more than we know. How about trying to realign your thoughts this week according to the hope that is found in God’s Word? Instead of thinking defeating thoughts, begin to ask God to help you to believe that He is with you and is working to make your marriage better all the time.

Begin to speak like God does in Romans 4:17 (ESV) where He, “…gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” Today, try to speak words of life and hope over your marriage. Say things like, “God is with us and has great plans for our marriage,” “I am so glad I married my man,” or “My husband loves me.”

What’s the worst thing that could happen? God may surprise you and bring the miracle you have been praying for as you trust in Him.

I am praying for you today.

Deb Weakly and the Help Club For Moms Team

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” Joyce Meyer

Deb Weakly

2 Comments on “Mom to Mom with Deb”

  1. Yesterday I felt so disappointed in my marriage, tired and with a tremendous desire to give up. My husband is a wonderful man, kind, loving, a hard worker and a good Christian; but on the other hand he is very fearful, he lacks initiative, and I always have to be motivating him and take him by the hand so that he does something other than work. He has so many dreams, he knows how to play instruments, he speaks two languages ​​and he is still a young man and he is responsible with his family… but the lack of opportunities through the years has made him feel frustrated, and he has grown tired of searching opportunities to improve our quality of life, he longs for a better school for our daughter, a better place to live, but he has not been able to have any opportunity even though he has been looking for them for so many years and now he is unmotivated, scared and sometimes resigned to living like this… living day to day without doing anything more than complying with a work schedule and nothing else, and I understand him because I feel the same way, with jobs that we have we don’t like them and we are angry with each other most of the time. .and I feel all the time with the responsibility to push him, motivate him, make plans for our future. I feel that I have no right to give up even though many times I lack the strength to continue knocking on doors…but honestly, it shouldn’t be like that.
    Today when reading this reflection, the Lord spoke to my heart and showed me with his sweet love and that I am not alone and that I should not give up, it is not easy but I ask for a little support with your prayers please…. My beloved husband, my family and I really need your prayers and a new beginning…a fresh and sincere beginning…and that only our beloved Lord Jesus can make that possible…

    1. Hello, dear Sarah,
      I am so sorry for all you are going through right now. Jesus has great things in store for your family; He has such great hope and a future for you and your family.

      I love your heart for the Lord. He sees you. He hears you. Keep going to Him and He will tell you what to do.

      I am praying for you right now.


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