NEW September Mothering Kit: The Radiant Mom

New Mothering Kit: “The Radiant Mom”

Mama, did you know that God created you with a purpose, to shine His light in everything you do? Whether it’s in the daily tasks of your home, nurturing your children, or loving your husband, His love transforms the ordinary into extraordinary moments. You were designed to radiate His joy and peace in the middle of the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

We invite you to join our Mothering Kit Mentoring Community—a special place just for you!

💛 We believe every mom needs a circle of support, encouragement, and spiritual growth. Together, we’ll walk this journey, learn practical tips for managing motherhood, and, most importantly, draw closer to God, allowing Him to refresh and strengthen us.

Here’s what you can expect every month:

✨ Inspiring mentor videos with encouragement and biblical wisdom.

📝 Beautiful printables to enrich your spiritual life and home.

💡 Practical tips to make your daily mom life smoother.

We are better together, sweet friend! Let’s stand arm in arm and let His light shine through us as we raise our children and build homes filled with His peace. As Psalm 34:5 reminds us, “Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Let’s embrace that radiance and shine brightly for our families.

Join us today and enjoy two FREE weeks of community and mentoring! You are not alone, and we can’t wait to see all God will do in your life. 🌼

🌼Let’s journey together, sister! Go to

Deb Weakly
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