Day Four: When Life Gets Hard

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b

How’s your life, friend? Does it ever feel overwhelming to you?

My teen years were hard. My parents divorced, and I moved to another state to an inner-city school filled with new faces who didn’t like me. I tried to fit in, but it never worked. Then, one day, some girls chased me into the bathroom with yardsticks, trying to hit me. I hid in the stall and locked the door. I climbed up onto the toilet lid so they couldn’t hit my feet.

As I rode home on the bus that afternoon, I felt hopeless and alone. Depression began to set in, and I felt there was no reason to live.

The following day, I got into the shower and cried out to God. I told Him how much my heart hurt and how lost I felt in this new place. After I prayed, I felt so much better. My life didn’t change right away, but I didn’t feel alone anymore. I had Jesus with me, and I knew He would help me. Friend, Jesus loves you too. You are not alone!


Are you going through something hard right now? Pray and tell God all about it. He loves you so much!

Love, Deb

Deb Weakly

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