Mom Tip Saturday: Change Your Thoughts

Hey Mamas!

Each week, we share a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency, grace, and love!

Pray for your husband every day this week! Do not pray for how you want God to change him or complain about him to God. Simply pray that God would bless him and that he would know how wide, long, high, and deep is the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18).”


How easy can it be to want to change someone else? Speaking from experience here- I know firsthand that usually our first response is wanting others to change versus changing ourselves! Realigning our first-reaction thoughts can be so tricky. We, as wives and mothers, really do need to live by the Word and try our best to flip what our flesh wants into what God wants for our relationships! Instead of thinking  “What can THEY do to change to make this better for me?” we need to be thinking “How can I change my views and reactions to one that is more pleasing to God?”

You’ve heard the saying, “practice makes perfect!” and friend, this is no exception! Asking Jesus to help you with your mind and the way you think is the only way you can truly put any of this into practice. Asking Him to transform you from the inside out requires work and prayer, and Jesus is waiting to truly set you free from toxic thoughts about your husband! So instead of assuming the worst in your partner, ask God to specifically change the way YOU think about the situation and your spouse. You will reap the benefits of this new way of thinking within your marriage!

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Love and prayers,

Kelsey Stewart and the Help Club for Moms Team




Kelsey Stewart

3 Comments on “Mom Tip Saturday: Change Your Thoughts”

  1. Sorry everyone, that first draft was quickly typed with new long artificial fingernails without re-reading, and then I accidentally pressed the submit button.

  2. Hey thanks, Kelsey and Tara. And Hello all mum’s looking after offspring.
    My name is Joan. My hubby’s name is Jeff. We have three children. Mitchell, twenty-one, studying at uni, doing a computer science degree. Liam is nineteen and just finishing VCE-VM certificates 1 and 2 in horticulturalism. Liam is working for a landscape gardener on Fridays and any other slack days he can pick up now year 12 has only exams left to do. Next year Liam will continue Certificate 3 in horticulture while working as a warehouse-stock-keeper and labourer full time around his night classes twice a week. That’s me speaking in faith that he gets the position he just applied for two days ago. Please pray it seems like perfect hours for his studies. And our sixteen-year-old, cutie-pie Chelsea is doing year ten at present. Chelsea has completed half of a year 12 subject this year as so many VCE students do, she did psychology.
    Please pray for my three kids! They all have their battles with disorders such as speech disorders, ADHA, dyslexia, autism, and anxiety. Not to mention my mental health battles from my violent and emotionally immature father, the consequences of that upbringing within my siblings, and how my mother coped with the trials too.
    My parents both had difficult lives in their own immediate families too and with the pressure of being poorly educated and raising six children, it was hard on them both, no doubt. However, now I am fifty-six years of age having waited twelve years within marriage to become parents, I can see, how very blessed I am to only have the responsibility of three offspring and not six nor eight like my husband’s parents had.
    I think we sometimes take ourselves too seriously and don’t relax and chill enough. I have found life goes smoothly when we focus on knowing God. Then when hick-ups come we can weather them well and wait upon the LORD! as Job did, and no one has suffered more than he in Christ, except Christ.
    I believe too many Christians go about their lives in their strength. When the sea is too hard to cross, or the dark time is scary, or the loss is too great they are not close enough to Salvation himself, Christ our Messiah, and the Holy One sent to earth at Pentecost, as a guiding gift to help comfort and direct us and bring us peace even amid life’s raging storms. That’s why Jesus could sleep through a storm and walk on water because he was so close to God, in heaven, Jesus always sought to do the Father’s will, in the same capacity that his Holy Spirit can enable us to do God’s will. Sure, we sometimes give in to temptation because we are not perfect, we were within the loins of Adam when he followed his wife instead of God’s word. He disobeyed God deliberately and chose to be with Eve because he loved her so much. Eve was deceived by the snake (animals could talk back then over four thousand years ago) and Adam knew exactly what he was doing! Adam, chose to be sinful, as Eve thought she could become like God. Adam followed Eve’s desires though he knew it would not work out well for them both. Jesus is called a second Adam in that he was born sinless, seeded from the Holy Spirit, but also flesh. Jesus chose to become all sin for us. Just like Adam, who held us all in his loins became sinful by doing the only sin available. He is our father (the bible doesn’t have different words for father, grandfather, or great-grandfather; they are all just called father. Every male you are a descendant of is called a father in the biblical terminology; both in the Old Testament and the New. Hence the Jewish term ‘Abraham is our father’ means they were descendants of Abraham. When God says he created man on the sixth day of creation, he means all mankind. God calls all human beings that he created on the sixth day of creation ‘man’ and Eve came from the rib bone of Adam and we each all came from the loins of Adam. We were made within Adam on the sixth day of creation. People have corrupted God’s creation throughout history with sin. A person’s sin does indeed not only affect them but all those around them and who come after them in ways human beings are just not smart enough to comprehend because we are not God. The original bible inspired by God is inerrant; it has no errors. Today there are translational ‘corrections’ from well-meaning scribes and from scribes who wanted the bible to say what they wanted it to mean and who have subtly changed parts of God’s word because they did not like the correct exact word of God; this was evil. However the Holy Spirit teaches people today and these imperfections can be found and correctly interpreted by those who seek the truth with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength as they learn by the gifting within of the Holy Spirit Jesus sent to earth for his followers to guide them into all truth as needed in all circumstances. We don’t know the whole truth but we can be guided into paths of rightness by the truth-giving Spirit Jesus sent at Pentecost in the early first century. Christians think we are created inside our mother’s womb but this is not true; we are formed inside our mother’s womb. God invented us before the world was created but he made each one of us on the sixth day of creation. God rested on the seventh day to show us it was completed and good and to show us we need rest to enjoy what our hands have also achieved. The Bible is more literally true than most give it credit. There are metaphors and similes and localisms and cultural terminologies of the ties when it was written. But it can be interpreted correctly with proper study and guidance by the Holy Spirit; who is not human. God is an alien being but he has made a way for us to know him through Jesus’ perfect human life, human death and his Spirit going to hell in our place but not only that his overcoming death through his resurrection. Jesus was the perfect lamb (metaphor; he wasn’t actually, a sheep :-)).
    It’s not rocket science to understand the bible; it’s admitting we can’t without the Spirit to interpret it to us. God speaks alien we don’t; he has dumped it down as much as he can, however, we need to rely on his Spirit to comprehend what we need from his Word and stop trying to use our human brains to figure it out. Our brains are fallen; corrupted by disobedience and wilful wrongs. No one goes to hell for their sin gals; it is not acknowledging we are sinners; saved by grace, which is of God and has nothing to do with us. The key is in acknowledging who we are; the sinners (we can do nothing without God; and acknowledging who he is; the perfect God. The devil created the giants; not God! They were placed in the Promised Land as an enemy strong enough to scare God’s chosen people, the Israelites, from entering the Promised Land (which is a metaphor for heaven).
    God Bless,
    Joan Searles.

  3. Hey thanks, Kelsey and Tara.
    My name is Joan. My hubby’s name is Jeff. We have three children. Mitchell, twenty-one, studying at uni, doing a computer science degree. Liam is nineteen and just finishing VCE-VM certificates 1 and 2 in horticulturalism. Liam is working for a landscape gardener on Fridays and any other slack days he can pick up now year 12 has only exams left to do. Next year Liam will continue Certificate 3 in horticulture while working as a warehouse-stock-keeper and labourer full time around his night classes twice a week. That’s me speaking in faith that he gets the position he just applied for two days ago. Please pray it seems like perfect hours for his studies. And our sixteen-year-old, cutie-pie Chelsea is doing year ten at present. Chelsea has completed half of a year 12 subject this year as so many VCE students do, she did psychology.
    Please pray for my three kids! They all have their battles with disorders such as speech disorders, ADHA, dyslexia, autism, and anxiety. Not to mention my mental health battles from my violent and emotionally immature father, the consequences of that upbringing within my siblings, and how my mother coped with the trials too.
    My parents both had difficult lives in their own immediate families too and with the pressure of being poorly educated and raising six children, it was hard on them both, no doubt. However, now I am fifty-six years of age having waited twelve years within marriage to become parents, I can see, how very blessed I am to only have the responsibility of three offspring and not six nor eight like my husband’s parents had.
    I think we sometimes take ourselves too seriously and don’t relax and chill enough. I have found life goes smoothly when we focus on knowing God. Then when hick-ups come we can weather them well and wait upon the LORD! as Job did, and no one has suffered more than he in Christ, except Christ.
    I believe too many Christians go about their lives in their strength, then when the sea is too hard to cross, or the dark time is scary, or the loss is too great they are not close enough to Salvation himself, Christ our Messiah, and the Holy One sent to earth at Pentecost, as a guiding gift to help comfort and direct us and bring us peace even amid life’s raging storms. That’s why Jesus could sleep through a storm and walk on water because he was so close to God, in heaven, Jesus always sought to do the Father’s will, in the same capacity that his Holy Spirit can enable us to do God’s will. Sure, we sometimes surcome to temptation because we are not perfect, we were within the loins of Adam when he followed his wife instead of God’s word. He disobeyed God deliberately and chose to be with Eve because he loved her so much. Eve was deceived by the snake (animals could talk back then over four thousand years ago) and Adam knew exactly what he was doing! Adam, chose to be sinful, as Eve thought she could become like God. Adam followed Eve’s desires though he knew it was not going to work out well for them both. Jesus is called a second Adam in that he was born into the world sinless, seeded from the Holy Spirit, but also flesh. Jesus chose to become all sin for us. Just like Adam, who held us all in his loins became sinful by doing the only sin available. He is our father (the bible doesn’t have different words for father, grandfather or great-grandfather; they are all just called father. Every male you are a descendant of is called a father in the biblical terminology; both in the Old Testament and the New. Hence the Jewish term ‘Abraham is our father’ means they were desendants of Abraham. when God says he createde man on the sixth day of creation, he ment all man-kind. God calls all human beings that he created on the sixth day of creation ‘man’ and Eve came from the rib bone of Adam and we each all came from the loins of Adam. We were made within Adam on the sixth day of cretion. People have corupted God’s creation through out history with sin. It is true that a persons sin does not only effect them but all those around them and whom coe after them in ways human beings are just not smart enough to comprehend because we are not God. the original bible inspired by God is inerant; it has no errors. Today there are translational ‘corrections’ from well meaning scribes and from scribes who wanted the bible to say what they wanted it to mean who have subtley changed parts of God’s word because they did not like the correct exactly word of God; this was evil. However the Holy Spirit teaches people today and these imperfections can be found and correctly interpreted with those who seek the true with all their heart, soul, mind and strength as they learn by the gifting within of the Holy Spirit Jesus sent to earth for his followers to guide them into all truth as needed in all circumstnaces. We dont know the whole truth but we can be guided into paths of rightness by the truth giving Spirit Jsus sent at Penticost in the early first century. Chritians think we are created inside our mothers womb but this is not true; we are formed inside our mothers womb. God invented us before the world was created but he made each one of us on the sixth day of creation. God rested on the seventh day to show us it was completed and good and to show us we need rest to enjoy what our hands have also achieved too. Te bible is more literally true than most give it credit. there are metaphor and similies and localisims and cultural terminologies of the ties when it was written. But it can be interpreted correctly with proper study and guidance by the Holy Spirit; who is not human. God is an alien being but he has made a way for us to know him through Jesus perfect human life, human death and his Spirit going to hell in our place but not only that his overcoming death through his resurrection. Jesus was the perfect lamb (metaphor; he was’nt actuall a sheep sisters :-)).
    It’s not rocket science to understand the bible; it’s admitting we can’t without the Spirit to inpterpret it to us. God speaks alien we don’t; he has dumped it down as much as he can, however we need to rely on his Spirit to really comprehend what we need from his Word and stop trying to use our human brains to figure it out. Our brains are fallen; corupted by disobediance and wilful wrongs. No one goes to hell for their sin gals; it is not acknowledging we are sinner; saved by grace, which is of God and nothing to do with us. the key is in the acknowleding who we are; the sinners (we can literally do nothing without God; and acknowledging who he is; the perfect God. The devild created the giants; not God! They were placed in the prommised land as an enemy strong to scare God’s choen people, the Israelites, from entering the promise land (which is a metaphor for heaven).
    God Bless,
    Joan Searles.

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