Encountering Jesus: Part 1 Encountering Jesus Changes Everything

 “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces all contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

Friend, have you encountered Jesus lately? Scripture is full of God-encounters. From the prophets of the Old Testament to the disciples, apostles, and others of the New Testament, the Word of God details these encounters and how they changed people and caused them to do great things. Moses encountered God in the desert, and his whole life changed. He was a lowly shepherd, and he became the deliverer of an entire nation! Saul encountered God on the road to Damascus and went from being a persecutor of the church to the greatest advocate for the Gospel in the early church age, enduring terrible persecution himself, and even dying the death of a martyr for the sake of gospel. Well, the same goes for us today! When we encounter Jesus, we change. And because He lives in us and we live in Him, encountering Him is easily accessible!

There are many ways to encounter Jesus. You may feel Him in nature, His creation. You may see Him at work in your life and in the lives of others. You may sense His presence during worship or in a particular location, hear His voice as you sit with Him, see His truth in the Bible, or any other of a myriad of ways that you experience Him on a daily basis. If you would like to know more about hearing His voice and recognizing it in your daily life, you can search my previous studies or posts. I am passionate about hearing God’s voice! But for this series, we are focusing on another aspect of encountering Him: seeing Jesus and experiencing Him in a full, in-person manner. 

Our experiences as human beings are largely received through our senses. That’s how God created us. Think about it: which of the five senses are most important to you? I’m going to guess that you are going to answer with vision and hearing. As mentioned above, we have already covered hearing. 

This series is about seeing Jesus and encountering Him in that place.  

Think about how you met your spouse… It’s one thing to know about someone. Perhaps you heard about him from a friend or relative – you knew things about him. It’s another thing to talk to a person on the phone – perhaps you got to hear about his life and were able to experience the way he processed emotions and communicated his heart. But then when you met him in person, that was a whole other thing, wasn’t it? That was the full experience! It’s the same with Jesus. It’s one thing to know about Him. It’s quite another to hear His voice. But my friend, seeing Him and encountering Him takes it to a whole new level. And it is in this experience that places in your heart that have never been able to be touched any other way will be healed. You will get His perspective, you will know and love Him in a new way, and you will receive His love like never before. And just like your ancestors in the Bible, this will change your life.   

Join me tomorrow and the rest of this week for this series on encountering Jesus. We will be learning why it is important to see Jesus, how to see Him, and how to help your kids to see Him, among other topics. You don’t want to miss this!     

Blessings and Love,

Linda S.

Linda Steppenbacker

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