Mom to Mom with Mari Jo: Summer of Staying Week Five

Hello My Friend,

It’s hard to believe we’re already beginning week five of our study! I’m curious as to what God is showing you—what you’re learning!

How’s your summer going? I hope you’re in full swing, enjoying the warm summer evenings, picnics, watermelon, and hot dogs or marshmallows roasted over an open fire. It’s a wonderful time to make fun memories with your precious family.

I love, love summertime and the spontaneous freedom that comes along with it—no school or homework for the children makes for less stress and more rest for mama! Yay for sleeping in!

Whatever you’re doing or feeling about yourself this very moment, always remember you’ll greatly treasure the time you spend with your loved ones. All the effort is worth it! Someday, you’ll look back with a grateful heart. God picked you to be the mama for your kids; it was His idea. He knew you were the perfect one for them. Don’t look back at past mistakes you’ve made, but look up to your Creator and ask Him to give you vision for the future. God’s thoughts toward you are simply amazing, His ideas are better than you can imagine! Trust Him. Always know that He believes in you!

Blessings and love,
Mari Jo Mast and the Help Club for Moms Team

“Spending time with God through prayer and His Word is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.” Joyce Meyer

Mari Jo Mast
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