Offering Forgiveness to Our Friends

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

“True friendship involves two imperfect people who see each other’s shortcomings and love each other anyway.” Anonymous


  • Take a moment to pray and ask our Savior to prepare you for coming into His presence. Cry out to Him for a heart of compassion for others or forgiveness for offenses suffered or inflicted on those around you. Read John 15:12-13.

Offering Forgiveness to Our Friends

Have you ever thought of friendship as a gift—a beautifully wrapped package, just for you? A friend has great value. We discover the depth of friendships one layer at a time. We are initially attracted to an external veneer, and with time the layers of a person are revealed, and the connection grows roots that can last forever.

There is a saying, “people are messy.” We find this is true as the seasons of our lives wax and wane. Friends will come and go for various reasons. There are, unfortunately, some relationships that disappoint, leaving us void of a deeper connection, and it is important to realize that this is a normal course in life. However, our primary friendship is the one with our Creator.

The fact is, no one in our life can give us all that we need and desire, nor can we offer the same to another…but Jesus can. Everyone, at some point, will experience disappointment, abandonment, or betrayal by a friend, but Jesus? He NEVER lets us down. He experienced the worst from man, some of whom were his followers. Yet, after his death on the cross, He lovingly came back to those “friends,” his disciples, and with tender mercy, encouraged them.

Blessings and Love,


Questions to Ponder

  • Are there times in your life when you have the opportunity to model that kind of love and generosity to your friends? Forgiveness could be the best gift we could ever offer our friends.
  • As I’ve grown older, I realize in this life that the friendships I hold dear, I cherish. But, the dearest friend, the one that will never fail me, is patiently waiting for me to call on Him. I hope to emulate The One to my friends whose example is perfect and with grace abounding. The One who calls me friend, my Savior (John 15:12-17).

Faith-Filled Ideas

In your journal or in the space below make a list of those in your circle of influence, these are women you associate with frequently. Beside each name write a positive trait she models. Pray for each friend regularly. Ask the Lord to grow the trait you listed and to use it for His glory. Your heart will be blessed by this practice.

Melissa Lain
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