Hearing God as a Lifestyle

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~Romans 10:17

Did you ever see or play with those two-way radio communication manual ‘walkie-talkies’ for kids when you were little? Imagine that you held one and were speaking with another friend who was some distance from you, and no matter how much you yelled, they couldn’t hear you.

Often, we desire to hear from God, and immediately our minds start to believe that God is not speaking to us or that God is silent. Meanwhile, it’s from our end that we need to do the work of ensuring that we are tuned to hearing God. Sister, God desires to speak to us much more than we desire to hear from Him. And He is always speaking, always desirous to communicate with us!

One of the ways we can develop our intimacy with God and hear Him speak to us is to fellowship with Him daily. This is why it’s essential to pay attention to our ability to hear from God as He communicates with us regularly.

So, how do we ensure that we stay in a position and posture that allows us to hear from God?

  1. Acknowledge that God wants to speak to you as much as you desire to hear from Him. This posture leaves your mind open to hearing from God when He speaks to you.
  2. Remember that identifying the voice of God takes practice. Imagine that you met someone for the first time, and they spoke to you; it would take repeated conversations to identify their voice the next time they spoke with you.
  3. Desire a deep communion and intimacy with God beyond just being able to hear Him. Cultivate a consistent lifestyle of prayer, studying God’s Word, and fellowship in His presence. Desire to be a carrier of God’s presence everywhere you go.
  4. Understand that God speaks to us through different means, and it is essential for us to be discerning and sensitive to the different ways He speaks so that when Jesus speaks, we will recognize He is the one speaking to us.
  5. Verify every Word you hear against what has already been written in God’s Word through the scriptures. No instruction God gives us will contradict what He has laid out in His Word. The Bible is God’s instruction to us, and if you want to be sure that you are hearing God, check what the Word says and ask yourself if what you’re hearing aligns with what the Bible says.
  6. Don’t be afraid to fail or make mistakes as you listen to God’s voice. Trust that you have the mind of Christ and know God’s will for you. Don’t let the fear of failure hinder you from developing your ability to discern and understand the will of God for your life.

As you continually practice these things, you’ll find that your discernment will become sharper, and you’ll be better able to understand the will of God for your life.

🙏 Pray with me

Lord, I thank You because You desire a deep intimate relationship with me. I ask that as I fellowship with You daily, may my heart be open to You and Your voice. May I hear and be able to discern Your will for my life. Amen

Oluseye Ashiru | Multi-Passionate Coach, Trainer, Builder & Equipper

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