Mom Tips Saturday

mom tip saturday
Hey Mamas! We are so happy to introduce our newest Help Club for Moms series, Mom Tip Saturday!

Each week, we will highlight a Mom Tip from one of our amazing summer books: The Wise Woman EnjoysThe Wise Woman Stays, and The 40-Day Joy Challenge for Moms.

These practical ideas are intended to help you run your household with more efficiency and grace.

Today’s Mom Tip is from The Wise Woman Enjoys:

“Focus on setting a beautiful table, complete with candles and centerpieces. Decor and music can make a regular weeknight dinner fun!”

While you dine, reflect on Acts 2:46, “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.” Enjoy breaking bread with your family as you teach them about the generosity of Jesus!


Kelsey Stewart

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