Mom Tip Saturday

Hey Mamas! We are so excited to share this week’s Mom Tip Saturday!

Each week, we will highlight a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency and grace.

This week’s  Mom Tip is from our summer book, The Wise Woman Enjoys:

“Pray for your husband every day this week during your quiet time. Pray that your relationship will grow and be strengthened. Pray he will grow closer to your children. Pray he will be the light of Jesus while he is away from home.”

Friend, the Lord has given you such a sweet gift! You have the amazing opportunity to be a Godly wife to your husband. Although at times it may seem trying, the things you do on a daily basis for your husband are being noticed by your Father in Heaven. You were gifted a partner in this life to love and care for, and petitioning for him to God Almighty is one of the biggest ways you can love him. You will be amazed at what God will do for him on your behalf!

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives. 1 Peter 3:1

Love and Prayers,

Kelsey Stewart and the Help Club for Moms Team

Kelsey Stewart

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