Real Men in the Making

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.” Proverbs 3:1-2

 Real Men in the Making

Raising boys makes a mama dig deep! My husband and I are still raising three. Our oldest son is now married and is raising two of his own. A while ago, my husband and I had a Holy Spirit-inspired conversation (unplanned) with one of our teen sons about what it means to be a man. We talked about responsibility, conflict resolution, accountability, humility, leadership, chores, obedience, etc. All the things a man should strive to be—all the important things. But we discovered that in the end, it really boils down to one thing: a boy becomes a real man when he consistently hears the voice of God and obeys. That is all.

I freely shared with our son, “A mama can rest when she knows her son obeys the Holy Spirit. It puts her heart at ease because she has nothing to fear or worry about.”

My husband and I consistently speak life over our sons. We express our belief in the Holy Spirit’s active work in their lives and affirm that they hear His voice. We encourage them to always obey.

How do young boys begin to hear and obey God? Honestly, it’s far easier caught than taught. It begins by hearing and obeying us as parents first. It continues as we parents fellowship with, and listen to, the Holy Spirit ourselves. Our boys are watching our everyday walk with Jesus. How we live teaches and helps mold their own opinion about who He is. As we trust Him, so will they. As we love, so will they. As we obey, so will they.

Truly, God defines manhood like no one else can. He covers all the bases in His Word and those truths bring a balance we can trust and surrender to. I believe that as we parent from this place of deep devotion to Jesus (listening and obeying), our children will naturally follow. In that process, we raise up the next generation of men for His Kingdom!

So, take heart as you raise those rough and tumble boys, sweet mom! Though they may not act the part, deep down inside they are tender and soft, wanting to become real men. Remember to show them the way even if you feel they’re not paying attention. I dare say they are much more aware than we give them credit for. With Jesus, you have what it takes!

Blessings and Love,

Mari Jo

Go Deeper:

  • Be aware of the presence of Jesus as you raise your sons for His glory. You can’t ever spend too much time with Him. He is always with you, helping you be a godly example to your sons! You can always read His Word and pray if you need answers.

What’s Next?

My husband is taking our sons out into the mountains to shoot today. He has found it’s a great way to connect with them. Encourage your husband in a positive way (not nagging) to take your son/sons out on a date just to spend some quality time together. Even if they don’t talk much, just hanging out brings positive results! You could even set it up for them to make it easier. Depending on your son’s age, below are some great ideas:

  1. Go shooting at a local gun range (a favorite for our boys).
  2. Hang out at Buffalo Wild Wings and watch a football game (also a favorite).
  3. If you have a membership at a gym, work out together.
  4. Go fishing (make sure you have a license, if needed).
  5. Hike a mountain together.
  6. Go camping for a night. Help them pack and prepare.
  7. Work on a simple project together.
  8. Go bicycling.
  9. Cook a meal together. Have them choose the menu; you can buy the ingredients.
  10. Play with remote controlled vehicles.
  11. Go to a local go-kart racetrack.



Mari Jo Mast
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