Prayer – Week 1 Mom Tips

“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a


The Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, discipler of your children, homemaker and friend.

Keep this list on your fridge all week. Pick one or two things to try and check them off as you do them. :)  

You can also do more than what is suggested. You do you!  We all are in different stages of our lives.

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit:

1. Work on your prayer binder 2 days this week.  Day 1______ Day 2______

2. Keep worship music on as much as possible in your house. When we worship, it’s hard to worry, be angry or depressed. Involve your children in music choices. Let your children pick the songs too so they can worship with their style of music too!    Done:______

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband: 

3. Plan a date night with your husband! Hire a babysitter to watch your children. Look for fun activities for your sitter to do with the children. Pray before you leave that the children will do well while you are gone and that you and your husband will have a wonderful night out.   Done:______

4. Ask your husband if there is anything you can do for him this week and how you can pray for him. Done:______

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children:

5. Record 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 on your phone recording app. Play it several times a day until you have it memorized. Just for fun, pick a different child each day to say the verse into your phone app. It’s wonderful for your children to see Mommy memorizing Scripture! Remember, so much of the time, our faith is “caught” as well as taught!  Done:______

6. Let each of your children pick their favorite game to play with you. Laugh and have fun as you play! Done:_____

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home:

7.  Know what’s for dinner by 9am three days this week. Set your meat out to defrost, etc.

Day 1______ Day 2______ Day 3_____

8. . Spend 15 minutes two days organizing an area of your home that needs it. (Or you can do more) Set a timer and stop when it’s done. Done:______

9. Take a moment and plan out your menus and your shopping list. Get your shopping done and chop all of your vegetables. List your meals here:

Monday         _________________________________________________________________

Tuesday        _________________________________________________________________

Wednesday  _________________________________________________________________

Thursday      _________________________________________________________________

Friday           _________________________________________________________________