
Read Psalm 62:5-6  “My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.He only is my rock and my salvation  My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.” 


Those were the facts of our story last year. What I didn’t share with you were the ways that I learned to trust in God and the ways that He spoke to me through that intense first month and the following months of waiting. As soon as I heard about the tumor, I fell on my face before God. I literally was on the floor every day, tears soaking into my carpet. I knew I had nowhere else to turn but to Him for answers, comfort, and help. You see, God wants us to seek Him, and He wants to be found. This is the most important step of all. This is exactly what He wants from us. He wants us to seek Him above anything else (Matthew 6:33). And as I sought God, He revealed Himself to me (Jeremiah 29:13). The two things that He told me to do during that time helped me to trust Him. And they are still the things that I am doing today and that have continued to carry me through this trial. 

These two things are the cornerstones of trust, and they are REST and WORSHIP. We are going to explore both of these. First, how do we rest in God?

In order to rest in God, we must know who God is. We cannot trust someone whom we don’t know. The truths that I personally found most foundational in trusting God are that He is good and that He is for us. God speaks of His goodness repeatedly throughout Scripture. Why is this? God’s goodness is absolutely foundational to our being able to trust Him. You cannot trust a person whom you do not deem to be good. Initially in my situation, when the bottom fell out and everything seemed to be hopeless, it was so hard to see Him as good and as working things out for my good (Romans 8:28). But slowly, even over that first month of complete uncertainty, He spoke to me and began to convince me that even in terrible circumstances, He was good. He doesn’t change (Hebrews 13:8). 

Even when the circumstances are swirling about you and confusing you, He is the one who stands still, ever the same. I remember a little while back, I was having a hard time with a difficult new development in our situation, and God spoke to me through an exercise instructor. God communicates with us in so many ways! 

The class had finished a workout, and as we stretched, we were standing on one leg. The instructor said, “If you are having trouble standing, just find a spot that doesn’t move and fix your eyes on it.” Wow! I had probably heard that line dozens of times in my life during stretching or balancing, but it immediately resonated in my spirit that day. 

If you are having trouble trusting and your whole world seems to have changed, fix your eyes on the one Person who does not change- Jesus. 

In Matthew 14:29-30, Peter walked on the water when he had his eyes on Jesus and began to sink when he took his attention off of Him, focusing instead on the wind and waves. Fix your eyes on Jesus. If this is still difficult, as always and with everything, ask God to show you that He is good. He is a good Father, and He loves when we ask Him for wisdom. He is so faithful. He wants you to know Him! And His goodness and good intentions toward us are such a fundamental part of who He is; and our understanding of Him is foundational to our trust.

Prayer for Today: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for who You are. Thank You for providing us with Your Word that speaks of You and of Your trustworthiness. Help us to come to a greater revelation of who You are and specifically, of who You are for each one of us today. Thank You that You are a personal God who loves to speak to us individually. Help us to rest in You today. Amen!

Linda Steppenbacker

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