Fuel for Your Marriage

“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12 ESV


After 16 years, you might think that I would have this “marriage thing” figured out, but God has been refining some thought patterns and habits in my life even after all these years. It has been such a blessing to my husband and I and I just want to share what I’ve learned with you! Sweet friend, just like us, our husbands crave to know whether they are valued and esteemed. God has created us, as wives, to be their greatest influencers and encouragers, as it beautifully says in Proverbs 31, “The heart of her husband trusts in her…She does him good, and not harm…” When we strive toward being the excellent wife who is “far more precious than jewels,” we not only help our husbands see their own worth, but we can also model how to have relational and emotional intelligence in a marriage through the help of the Holy Spirit. In turn, when our husbands feel affirmed and valued, they strive at even greater lengths to help us feel cherished and protected! It’s high octane fuel in their emotional vehicle to receive our approval and respect! 

Yearning to fuel your marriage, too? Grab a pen and a journal and ask God to remind you of all the ways that your husband serves you and your family. Now, take a moment to pray about some habits that you can improve to bless your marriage; take notes so you won’t forget! Some areas that God revealed to me were using affirming communication, voicing daily gratitude, and doing consistent meal planning, but each marriage is unique. How can you be an excellent wife to your husband?


Bek Measmer and the Help Club for Moms Team

Bek Measmer

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