Spirit-Filled Homemaking: Help Club for Moms Companion Guide

You are a wife. So you should ask yourself, am I a fruitful vine? Am I flourishing? Think about these questions as you read the following verse slowly.

Your wife will be like a fruitful grapevine, flourishing within your home. Your children will be like vigorous young olive trees as they sit around your table. (Psalm 128:3 NLT)

In my marriage, my family, and my home, am I producing fruits of benefit to my family, or am I a dead vine that does not help my husband and children to grow stronger? A dead vine is dangerous for the whole plant. If we want to ensure growth in our families, we must be fruitful in the work God has given to us. Journal for a few minutes about your response to this verse.

Personally, the verse highlights the weight of what I am doing, and it causes me to become excited at the thought of my children growing around our table in vigor and wisdom. Being a wife and mother is a tremendously high calling, and I hope you feel the immense joy of your role deep within your heart, precious sister.

But what if you can’t feel that joy in your current season? That is okay! I don’t want to be naive and assume that each of you naturally has a strong calling toward homemaking. Being a Spirit-filled homemaker is for every Christian wife and mother, not just the talented cooks, bakers, and decorators. I’m not sure how you are feeling right now, but as I write, I can sense that God wants to hear from all of us more frequently.

With Love,


Pray with Me:

Here is a prayer that you can pray every morning: “Dear Jesus, I ask for the strength and energy to get through this day with integrity and kindness. I yearn to remain calm and steadfast when problems occur and to sing Your praises with every load of laundry I do and every meal I cook. Thank You, Lord, for my husband, our children, and our cozy home. Lastly, I pray to find joy in the mundane and not look to others or compare. Amen.

Have a Talk with God:

Sweet sister, at the end of each day, what matters is that you turned toward the Word of God and His leading in your life. Only Jesus knows the deepest hidden desires in your heart. Speak to Him. Answer these questions below or in your journal. How can I be a flourishing vine in my home? What are some ways I can use my gifts and talents in and outside of my home?

Want more encouragement, Mama? Go to myhelpclubformoms.com, our NEW mentoring platform!

Rachel Jones
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2 Comments on “Spirit-Filled Homemaking: Help Club for Moms Companion Guide”

  1. Hi I’m Marcella a struggling Grammie who is raising my late daughter’s 2, 7 & 16 yr old children. My daughter died suddenly so dealing with the shock & loss but also doing my best to try to give my grandchildren the love they deserve, opening my home & turning my world upside down.
    I had retired 1.5 yrs ago with a family business that my late daughter had been trained by me to take over but with her passing, I am also back to
    doing our family business as well. I pray some days without ceasing that I am doing the right thing, but I know in my heart that this is what God wants me to do. I can’t say that its easy – its been a very long time since I raised a 2 yr old with temper tantrums, issues with going to sleep, just all of the things I handled so very long ago. My children are 43, (my daughter would have been 41 on Sunday) and 39. So you can tell I’m a bit rusty on these toddler issues. I could really use the help & support of Moms that are doing this now & can give me recommendations & suggestions please.

    1. Oh, thank you so much for your comment Marcella! I am praying for you as you are doing mighty work for God’s Kingdom! Wow! The Lord sees you and His strength is upon you. Please sign up to receive our emails for more encouragement. We also offer Mentoring Mother videos every Monday at 9:00 am on Facebook. If you would like to become a part of our community we would love it. Join our email list, find us on Facebook and Instagram. God bless your family!! 🙂

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