Spirit-Filled Homemaking: Help Club for Moms Book

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Proverbs 24:3-4

“What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the workflow.” Martin Luther

Whether you work outside the home or stay home full-time, you are a homemaker. All women have been called by
God to make the place where their family lives a home. Making our house a home is hard work, and I am currently in the trenches with you ladies. My days are mostly spent in the kitchen and laundry room; I swear my children never stop eating or making messes! I am so blessed to be home full-time with four kiddos under the age of eleven, but it was not always this way.

A few years ago, before we had our fourth, I worked part-time outside of the house. I remember feeling behind in my housework constantly, and I felt so bad when I could not complete the “extras,” such as having warm banana bread on the counter at all times or organizing every closet by style and color. But why was I feeling bad? My husband didn’t care, and I was putting so much unnecessary guilt on myself that it took away from my happiness when I was home.

I am so thankful for that season because it gave me such great perspective on homemaking. Dear Mama, homemaking is so much more than cleaning a house, cooking food, and making sure our family has clothes to wear. Homemaking is about nurturing a spirit of warmth, comfort, and love in our homes. As the book of Proverbs says, “She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness” (31:27 esv). We all need to “look well” to our homes and feel amazing pride when we think of them. What brings me comfort and fills my heart with peace and contentment regarding my home is the Holy Spirit. Without His presence, I would be floundering without
purpose or direction.

One of my favorite Bible verses is 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT): “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” We are all talented women of God who have the power to do what is right for our home. Dear Mama, we have unconditional love from the Holy Spirit to care for our family. And within all of us is
the self-discipline to keep our hearts and minds focused on God and to have Him at the center of our household.

A woman’s spirit affects her whole house. We all have the power to instill peace, love, and joy in our homes. We also have the amazing opportunity to encourage our husbands and children to become closer to the Lord. What we say is extremely influential, and our moods can dramatically affect the flow of the home. Proverbs 21:9 (ISV) says, “It’s better to live in a corner on the roof than to share a house with a contentious woman.” Wow! I do not want my husband or kids to ever feel that they would rather live in a corner on the roof than in my home, and I am sure you would all agree with me. It would break my heart! However, all too often, I lose my temper or challenge my husband in front of our kids, which absolutely destroys the peacefulness of our home.

My prayer for you is to see the incredible honor it is to have a home. God has gifted you with one of His best blessings—a family to love and care for and to guide toward Him. During those especially exhausting moments, simply look at your kids. By truly looking at those beautiful children, who cherish every moment in their mama’s presence, you will quickly be reminded of what’s important. Focus less on what is on the table and more on who is around the table. Focus on the legacy you hope to leave. That legacy starts today with your mind set on the Lord!

Every household is so vastly different. Do not look to others and make comparisons. Put your blinders on, and you do you! You are the best wife for your husband, and you are the best mom for your children.



Faith-Filled Idea: Help with Your Laundry

Every home produces tons of dirty laundry, and we are here to help! Let us come alongside you and make doing laundry a little bit more fun and save you money at the same time. An amazing “Homemade Laundry Detergent” recipe is on page 210 in the “HELPful Resources.”

Want more encouragement, Mama? Go to myhelpclubformoms.com, our NEW mentoring platform!

Rachel Jones

One Comment on “Spirit-Filled Homemaking: Help Club for Moms Book”

  1. This was such a great podcast to listen to on my winding down after a long busy Easter Day and evening. Just brought my mind back to Jesus and walking alongside him in my day and just helped me with my mindset on breathing and relaxing my mind to prepare for my first day back to work tomorrow. Thanks so much for this encouraging podcast for busy moms who aren’t perfect who make mistakes and get upset or stressed and teaching them to just slow down and look at all the blessings Jesus has given us to model as mom and wife in a positive manner.

    I just ask for prayer for the start of our week. My husband will be home with our 7 week old daughter, 15 month old son, and our 13 year old daughter who’s home schooling while I’m working. I’m in a season waiting on the lord to provide the finances for my husband through films so, I can be a stay at home wife and mom.

    Eventually being able to complete nursing school for psych and trauma, finish up 2 books I’m procrastinating on, and get an herbology degree to treat those in need.

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