Behold: You Hold Wonder in Your Hands, Mama

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23 NKJV

Every childhood year I can remember, my family began December 23rd exclaiming, “It’s Christmas Adam!” As a young girl, when I learned the 24th of December was “Christmas Eve”, it seemed perfectly logical to celebrate “Christmas Adam” the day before. Think Genesis 1: Adam came before Eve in the Creation story. Surely, it would be the same in the Christmas story, right!? “Christmas Adam” should come before “Christmas Eve”. My family loved to celebrate, so they humored my made-up holiday. 

Over and over again in Scripture, we see the command, “Behold,” when it was time to pay attention to something wonderful. Whether the original language is Greek or Hebrew, “behold” means “to fix your eyes on, look up, see clearly and regard.” Looking back, I can see that “Happy Christmas Adam!” could have been translated into, “Behold!” It was a day to stop the hustle and bustle to remember, with childlike whimsy, the miracle we were gathering around. 

I have something wonderful to share with you today. Behold dear one: as a mom, you are the first hands of Christ that reach for your children. The hard, often unseen, work of your hands  ushers wonder and unconditional love into their lives by the way you celebrate, laugh, give, hug, hold, and it is especially by the mundane daily tasks you do over and over again. 

Mama, look at your hands, and behold! Those hands bring the hope of Jesus to your children in a way they can taste, see, and feel. That is something to celebrate this year in the midst of gift wrapping and menu planning. Whether it’s through a silly moment of celebration or stealing a quiet moment to open your hands in worship before the Lord, behold, Mama.

If you’re having a hard time staying encouraged, surprise your family by telling them, “Happy Christmas Adam!” Tell them the silly story behind it, share a giggle, and remember what you’re celebrating. Or take a moment to consider your personal way to “behold” the glory of the Lord today – whether it’s a bubble bath, breakfast for dinner, or stealing 20 minutes from the day to share a cup of coffee with your husband. 

With love, wonder and hope,

Kacy Ladd and the Help Club for Moms team

Let’s Pray:

The love you have lavished on me is too great to comprehend, Jesus! When I’m tempted to get discouraged, frustrated or feel too busy, help me to call my heart to order and remember You. Help me to behold the glory of the Lord. Give me inspiration on how to bring heaven to earth for my family too. Amen. 


Kacy Ladd

2 Comments on “Behold: You Hold Wonder in Your Hands, Mama”

  1. LOVED this devotional and shared it with all 5 of my daughters!! That we are the first loving hands of Christ to hold our child and bring the hope of Jesus to them; SO BEAUTIFUL and so true!!

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