Mom to Mom with Mari Jo Easter Week Five

“And when you pray, make sure you forgive the faults of others so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you withhold forgiveness from others, your Father withholds forgiveness from you.” Matthew 6:14-15 (TPT)

Dear Mama,

Do you struggle with unforgiveness toward someone? Recently the Holy Spirit led me to “house clean” my soul. I needed a breakthrough in the area of forgiveness, but I kept getting pulled back into unforgiveness, though it wasn’t my intention. Memories of how I was wronged kept resurfacing in my thoughts. I would forgive, and then the memory would come back, and then I would repent and forgive again, thinking it would eventually go away. To my dismay, the unforgiveness just continually popped up, causing me such grief.

I started asking the Lord why this kept happening because my heart truly longed to forgive. Through the help of the Holy Spirit and a dear counselor, the Lord revealed two wounds not fully healed from many years ago in which I had felt deeply rejected and betrayed. Once I forgave those two people and broke the covenant of unforgiveness I had made with those wounds, the most recent one became healed too. I was finally able to let go! The unforgiveness and pain were completely GONE!

Our unhealed wounds from the past have a way of bubbling up, triggering unforgiveness into other areas of the present. As long as they’re not taken care of, they become a chain reaction, triggering unhealthy emotions that keep us captive. Jesus knew the importance of forgiveness—it’s a huge key leading to our freedom. He paid for it by forgiving us of EVERY sin we’ve ever committed or ever will (He died ONCE for all. Read Romans 6). It’s extremely important that we forgive those who have hurt us if we desire to live in complete freedom for His honor and glory.

If you’re struggling in this area, ask Jesus to uncover any wounds of bitterness from the past which may be deeply buried because of pain. I promise, if you truly desire to be free in your heart, He will not only uncover, but heal you and completely unravel the unforgiveness web! Repent and break any covenants you have made (associated with the unforgiveness) and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you in that place. His oil soothes and mends the unmendable. I’m praying for you!

Love in Him,
Mari Jo Mast and the Help Club for Moms Team

“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” C.S. Lewis


Mari Jo Mast
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