What is Your True Ancestry?

But He answered them, saying, “Who is My mother, or My brothers?” And He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him, and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.” Mark 3:33-35

Have you ever done a DNA test? DNA tests that tell you about your ancestry are so popular now, that most people either have done them or at least know of someone who has. Why are these tests so popular? People are looking for identity. They want clues to why they are the way they are and what capabilities might lie within them.

As the family of God, we have a whole different set of DNA. DNA is in the blood, and as His children, we have been given a new bloodline. We are kingdom people, not earth people, we are aliens and strangers in this world, and we are in this world but not of it. In Mark 3:31-35, Jesus demonstrates this when the crowd told Him that His earthly mother and brothers had arrived. He replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And indicating those seated around Him listening to His teaching, He said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Did you catch that? That’s us! WE are His true family. 

So if you have ever wondered about your ancestry and what it holds, look no further. You are a daughter of God with His DNA. Your whole family is listed out in detail in the Bible; you’ll find lots of stories of your ancestors in there. You are descended from people of extraordinary faith – Noah, Moses, Abraham, Joseph, Ruth, David, Daniel, Esther, Deborah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul, Stephen, John the Beloved, Jesus – these are your ancestors! You are their legacy – their living, breathing seed in the world today. You carry on their genetics in your generation. Think about that. It’s a serious thing. It’s an amazing thing! You have been grafted into the family of God (Romans 11), and you now have a heritage of astounding faith and victory. Your ancestors were sea-parters, giant-slayers, prophets who heard His voice, dead-raisers, sickness-healers, demon-deliverers, miracle workers, and friends and consummate lovers of God. AND SO ARE YOU. So if you’ve ever wondered what your ancestors were like or where they were from and what that means for you and your life, this is it! And remember, now that you know who your real ancestors were, as with all things in the kingdom, BELIEVE it and LIVE like it. 

Here’s your assignment today: Ask God which characters in the Bible you are most similar to in this season and then write your own genealogy based on what He says. The reason why I said this season is because the whole Bible is technically full of your ancestors, so you’re going to have to pick and choose. So for this season of your life today, ask Him which ones are for you. Write it down and declare it! That’s who you really are! And when the seasons change for you, know that everyone in the Bible is fair game. They’re all your ancestors, so ask Him again and make a new genealogy for your new season!

Blessings and Love,

Linda S.

Linda Steppenbacker

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