All is Calm, All is Bright

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” Romans 15:13

Silent Night is a contradictory song during this time of year, don’t you think? It’s almost as if its author knew that 200 years after its composition, the general feelings at Christmas time would be of stress! In a small Austrian town in the early 1800s, the events leading up to this song’s writing were neither calm nor bright. Nestled in the middle of this trying time was a congregation that was poverty-stricken and starving for food. But during this carnage of chaos, a young priest named Joseph Mohr tried to instill a sense of hope back into his fellow brethren by writing and delivering a poem about the one true God who cared deeply for His children, keeping His promises despite their dire situation.  

When Mohr and his friend Franz Gruber decided to add music to the words, they chose a peaceful tune first played by a simple guitar. This song, “Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht,” was then carried throughout Europe and Russia, quickly making its way to America and other far reaches of the world, translated into over 300 languages, to be exact! It’s SO amazing that what started as a mustard seed for a specific church family grew into an anthem for world peace and Fatherly love. 

Here in 2022, we are in a different- yet equally alarming- type of famine. People are hungry for peace, their spirits are starving, and they are craving something the world cannot give them. And yet, many don’t even know or understand exactly what they are searching for to satisfy themselves. 

I’ve felt the feelings that equate to the exact opposite of “calm” and “bright” during the holidays myself. I’m ashamed to admit that while I should be declaring this heartfelt tune to the heavens with those exact words in the song, I’ve internally fretted over how I’m going to get last-minute presents wrapped or worrying about the mess that will be in the living room until the kids go back to school. I can’t help but suffer with the ones who feel the same way I do, allowing the things that overwhelm us during the season to get the best of us, whether it’s because of the lack of provision for our families, the lack of faith in a God that seems to have forgotten us sometimes, the loss of a loved one, the memories of “happier seasons” gone by, or maybe even the lack of Jesus in our lives in the first place. We all can relate to not genuinely feeling the season’s true spirit.

Just as Mohr decided to feed his starved brothers and sisters with a hopeful poem, I am going to feed you the English version in hopes that you, too, can take away the true meaning behind what we should be concentrating on this season; feeding souls, minds, and hearts with the promise, hope, and love of God and truly basking in the best gift we could ever receive- Jesus. 

As you listen to this song, open your mind, heart, and soul to the Holy Spirit. Dive deep into its melody, let the peace of God’s promises settle into your spirit, and let His love for you quench your ever-thirsty soul this holiday season.–yxcDNM

Love, Kelsey Stewart & the Help Club for Moms Team

Kelsey Stewart

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