Choose Your Thoughts

“Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts“ – Proverbs‬ 4:23 MSG‬‬

Have you ever tried to train your child to ride a bicycle for the first time?  If you have, I can bet it was a very interesting session. Your child was most likely very excited about riding for the first time and you were most likely concerned about their safety gear for the ride!

I imagine you instructing them on all the rules they needed to follow and the importance of wearing the needed protection as they took that first ride and even subsequent rides.

It was the same experience I had with my kids when they were much younger, especially going on their roller skates. I would never let them ride without their arm and knee guards, proper attire, and their helmets. It was my responsibility after all to keep them from serious harm in the event of a fall.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

Have you ever pondered on Proverbs 4:23? It implores us to keep vigilant watch over, guard, or mount a guard upon our hearts!  Why does the Bible give us specific instructions to guard our hearts? Our hearts serve as the center of our lives, and it is what controls everything about us.

Just like a mom never would let her child ride their bicycle without the right protective gear, why would we allow our heart to remain without any form of protection?

Sister, our thoughts shape the kind of life that we will experience, and it is no wonder God’s word says, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

This is why we must never let our thoughts run rampant with no control, we must continually filter and check what we let into our thoughts. If we want to be joyful, then we must choose joyful thoughts.  Not always will circumstances around us be favorable, but we can decide to regulate our thoughts towards joy.

How do we regulate and choose our thoughts?

  • We check what goes into our minds by filtering out negative talk from those around us
  • We pull down strongholds and any lie of the enemy that we hear
  • We strengthen our minds by meditating on the truth of God’s word
  • We renew our minds by constantly checking and replacing negative and toxic thoughts with God’s word

This checklist is what it means to take captive every thought, bringing them into submission and obedience, subjecting them to the rulership of Jesus.  Sweet mom, protect your heart and start choosing joyful thoughts, starting today!

Love, Oluseye Ashiru & The Help Club for Moms Team




Oluseye Ashiru

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