Contemplative Journey Station 4: Exchange Station

Contemplative Journey

Station 4: Exchange Station


Instructions: God wants to heal you and to bring you up higher in your revelation and understanding, closer to Him, and to make you into who He wants you to be. But to do so, He needs you to relinquish control in certain areas, specific sins, unbelief, lies you have been believing, worries, fears, addictions, compulsions, painful memories, wounds, traumas, etc. because they are hindering you from receiving all that He has for you. They are blocking the full flow of His Spirit and voice to you and keeping you from your destiny in Him. These things have become places of stagnancy in your life, and they are holding you back and harming you. It may seem hard or feel scary or impossible to relinquish these things to Him. But remember that all things are possible with Him! Your soul may want to hang onto these things, but this is for your good! You must let them go in order to access new levels with Him. Trust your Heavenly Father with these areas of your life right now. He is so trustworthy, and He is so kind, gentle, and good! He has only good intentions towards you. God always gives you good things in exchange for what you surrender to Him. He will give you the things you need for healing, wholeness, becoming more like Jesus, and the next steps of your journey with Him.


1. What things do you feel your Heavenly Father calling you to surrender to Him? Write each thing down on a seperate piece of paper.


2. Spend some time in prayer and give each one of those things to Him. As a prophetic act that it is now completely gone from your life, crumple it up, and throw it away in the wastebasket.


3. Now ask God what He wants to give you in return for what you just gave Him. What He gives you will always be good – for your good, healing, and advancement. As a prophetic act, record in your journal what He is giving you. Accept the gift and thank Him for His good gifts to you!


4. Meditate on the freedom and upgrade you have just received. Visualize what it looks like in your life as you step into this new identity, faith, healing, power, and level of intimacy with God. Read Isaiah 61. This is what God has just done in your life. Celebrate what He’s done! It’s about to get really good!!!


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Station 5

Linda Steppenbacker

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