Do You Prefer The Crumbs?

“Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.” 

– Isaiah 55:1-2 NKJV


Confession time- I sometimes like to eat the crumbs when I bake. I can often be found ignoring my very delicious cake or pie and focusing all of my energy on those crumbs at the bottom of my pan!  I am not even sure what makes the crumbs such a delight but I sit and smile at myself and ask the question, “why do I like these crumbs so much?”


Another thing I love to do from time to time is to order take-out. You know, on those days when your brain is refusing to connect with the reality that dinner should be a thing.  I rely on take-out to provide me with all the answers for dinner on those days.


Whether it is crumbs or take-out, I find that when I indulge in either, they both leave me longing for more. I am left with this feeling that something is missing or this lingering thought of, “Is this all?”


I have also found something to be very important as I have journeyed in my walk with the Lord, that NOTHING else can satisfy me like God’s Word can. When I read it, I am not lacking for more of anything else.  Of course, it is good to hear from the perspectives of other godly people about books, sermons, devotionals, and all, but we cannot let that be all we rely on.  If that’s all we take in, we will be left longing for more, never quite satisfied, like those crumbs that I love to eat!


“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” – Matthew 4:4 NIV


Sister, this is why we need to continually remind ourselves to spend time in God’s word, not just reading other people’s views about God.  God’s Word has the power to transform our lives. So, open your Bible and study God’s Word for yourself.  Intentionally devote yourself so that you can grow and remain rooted and grounded in Christ.


No wonder the Bible says, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” – Isaiah 40:8 NIV


God needs us anchored, rooted, unmovable, and unshakable in this world because God’s Word is a weapon we NEED to equip ourselves with to stand against the enemy.


Today, as you spend time meditating on God’s Word, may the Holy Spirit meet with you and cause light to shine upon your path.💡


📖 Oluseye & The Help Club for Moms Team 

Oluseye Ashiru

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