Memory Building

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly (cling) to what is good.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

My husband and I recently joined a small group at our church.  The church is new to us as we have just moved to the area.  Hand-in-hand we stepped out of our comfort zone, eager to meet new couples and find our niche. Add in the task of arranging child care and planning dinner for the kids, and we became fully committed to growing our relationship and our walk with the Lord.

Ultimately, when you are new, people want to know your story. Sharing our story always brings warm fuzzies to my heart. I love to reminisce about how we met, how he proposed, and even the wild journey that our marriage has been on.  In fact, it’s such a healthy thing to do. I think more couples need to remember the times when they were deeply in love and did super extraordinary things to get the other’s attention and show affection.  We have a few of those stories and no matter what phase we are currently in, remembering them, knits our hearts together.  It’s seriously like a balm that can be used to cover over a rough patch.  You should try it!  

One time at a ladies Bible study, we all shared how our husband proposed and it was super fun to hear everyone else’s story.  All the women sighed at each other’s spouse’s thoughtfulness and creativity.  Every wife retelling the tale sparkled with a glow.  I loved every second of it- I think I am a true romantic! 

Sometimes marriage needs a trip down memory lane or a spark to keep the flame going. I highly encourage you to prepare a date night where you and your spouse can reenact your proposal story.  My husband proposed at the Eiffel Tower in Paris so it’s unlikely I can recreate that special event but we can share the memory together over banana & Nutella crepes. 

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly (cling) to what is good.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Our move has been hard in many aspects but cleaving to my spouse was something I knew I would do- it’s a really good thing to have a dependable guy that you can lean on.  Sister, if you have such a guy in your life, hold fast to what God has brought together!  Cherish the good times! They just might gloss over the not such good ones. Sister, make a dedicated commitment today to build more memories that you both can reflect on in the future! 


💘Rae-Ellen Sanders & The Help Club Team

Rae-Ellen Sanders
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