Mom Tip Saturday- Say Hello

Hey Mamas! We are so excited to share this week’s Mom Tip Saturday!

Each week, we will highlight a Mom Tip to help you run your household with more efficiency and grace.

“Say ‘Hello’ to your husband and family as soon as you hear them walk into the house every day this week. Acknowledge them when they walk into a room. These little moments show our loved ones that they matter to us!”

Mama, your family needs to know you love being around them! They need your eye contact and welcoming words of love, even if you just say “Hello.”

Woven throughout the New Testament are many examples of greetings from Jesus and His disciples to those they encountered. Paul starts all of his letters by greeting the ones he loves, and what a beautiful example he left for us to hold on to! Greeting the ones we love with our words and a smile shows them our unconditional love. The same kind of love that Jesus asks us to give to others. Who better to contribute this “tiny” show of affection than to the ones we love most in this world?

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

Love and Prayers,

Kelsey Stewart and the Help Club for Moms Team


Kelsey Stewart

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