Mom to Mom with Rachel

Dear Sweet Mama,

As I sit and reflect on when I was overdue with my baby boy, I remember what a tough season that was. My mom was in town awaiting her grandson’s arrival, and he just wouldn’t come! I was anxious and unsettled.

However, it is in those times that we need to quiet our hearts especially before the Lord. Lately, He has been speaking to me, reminding me to release my worries and concerns to Him unceasingly. Seasons of waiting are hard, and I often find myself questioning what the Lord is trying to teach me during those times.

Can’t we all agree that waiting is difficult? It is not fun and often doesn’t seem to make sense. An encouraging verse I like to keep close to my heart amid the waiting is Lamentations 3:25 (ESV): “The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.”

The Lord wants us to wait. We grow when we wait, and most importantly, we lean on Him and rely on His strength when we wait. Ultimately, He wants our souls to seek Him.

Are you waiting for something this summer? Do you desire comfort or relief from an issue or weakness in your life? Dear mama, I would love to challenge you today to go to the foot of the Cross. You will find strength for your soul there and a respite from your weariness and impatience.

Trust me in that I know how you are feeling, and we will get through this season together.

God bless you and your family!

With love,
Rachel Jones and the Help Club For Moms Team

“What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for.” John Ortberg

Rachel Jones
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