Mom to Mom with Mari Jo Spiritually Healthy Mom

“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT)

Dear Sister,

What does it take to become a spiritually healthy mom? Whatever the process, we desire it, right? None of us want to be unhealthy in any way. Diet and exercise are huge keys to staying physically healthy—our bodies absorb what we eat and eventually reflect it. Healthy and nutritious foods give our bodies energy, sustenance, and nourishment, whereas junk foods or processed foods have very little to no nutritional value. Damaging foods consumed on a regular basis lead to problems down the road.

Mom, what are you feeding your soul? What we feast on, we will give our families emotionally—so it’s extremely important that we fill our minds and hearts with things that are life-giving, beneficial, and healthy. Our souls are meant to be cleansed and filled with Jesus, in order to live our BEST, intentional lives. God created us to thrive when our hearts are healthy in Him.

The “mom life” we lead can be a stretching and exhausting life—all of us are personally acquainted with feelings of inadequacy and weakness on a regular basis. Yet we must also realize that our emotions automatically follow what we feed our minds, hearts, and souls daily. This is why I’ve included a few practical habits to help us stay spiritually healthy for the long haul. They make a tremendous difference when we practice them on a regular basis!

  • Praise and worship your Heavenly Father (whatever that looks like to you).
  • Stay thankful (make a list of things you are grateful for).
  • Quiet yourself before God (confess any wrong thinking and sin).
  • Forgive those who have hurt you.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing.
  • Ask Jesus what is on His heart.
  • Read and meditate on the Word (ask Him to give you insight and understanding).
  • Pray and commune (talk) with God.
  • Cast your worries and concerns onto Him.
  • Help others less fortunate.

In order to become spiritually healthy moms, we have to continually evaluate the condition of our souls (our minds, wills, and emotions) and improve them. Though it takes time to cultivate emotional well-being, it is well worth the effort! Blessings on your journey.

Love in Him,
Mari Jo Mast and the Help Club for Moms Team

“I believe the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” Joyce Meyer

Mari Jo Mast
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