My Thoughts vs. God’s Thoughts

Hello Friend,

Does your saved (Christian) child struggle with negative thoughts? Even though they are saved, they can still believe lies about themselves; it’s hard for them to see how wonderfully God views them. This takes a renewing of the mind according to the Word. God sees perfection (Jesus) in them, but our children many times live out or act according to their natural belief about themselves. Many times Satan whispers lies in their ears that are too easy to believe (Just like he does to us moms)!

This morning I sat down with one of my boys (to spend time with him before he went to school). Tears welled up and spilled over as he shared the lies he was believing about himself.

•       I’m a bad boy
•       I’m disobedient
•       I’m unloved
•       I’m a failure
•       I’m a sinner
•       I’m impure

It would have been easy to agree, but the Lord gently reminded me – although these feelings feel super real to my child in the moment, they are NOT true according to the Word (therefore the lies cannot be validated).

Jesus says:

•       My Child is already forgiven (1 John 2:12John 3:16Eph. 1:7).
•       My child is dearly loved (Malachi 3:17).
•       My child is God’s child (1 John 3:2).
•       My child is a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
•       My child is alive in Christ (Colossians 2:13-14).
•       My child is saved (Romans 10:13).
•       My child can do ALL things through Christ (Philippians 4:13).
•       My child is chosen, holy, beloved, compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient and forgives (Colossians 3:12-13).

I took some time to speak the truth (what God says about him) and prayed with my son. I felt hope rise in his spirit and God’s joy returning in him. He needed to be reminded of his true identity as a Believer – what God says.

While he is gone I’m doing a more in-depth study, looking for even more truth with Scripture references. I cannot wait to share them with him this afternoon when he comes home! I want him to hide God’s precious words in his heart, so they continue to shape and mold his life.

Moms, it’s super important for our children to know and believe God’s Word. It exposes Satan’s tactics and renders him powerless. Like a mighty battering ram, it helps them defeat the enemy and walk confidently in God’s divine purpose for their lives!



Mari Jo and the Help Club for Moms Team

Mari Jo Mast
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4 Comments on “My Thoughts vs. God’s Thoughts”

  1. Rejoicing with you Rachel! God fully equips us and our children through the Word. Praising Jesus this ministered to you! Love you friend ❤️

  2. Wow! This has me crying. But my tears are tears of hope and joy as I know this parenting thing CAN be done with the Lord on my side. Thank you for the encouragement this morning!! 🙂

  3. Yes, yes Deb! So so important, especially in the times we’re living. God has specifically chosen them to live in this era – they are absolutely called and chosen for such a time as this! They need to know Truth – The Word must be a firm foundation in order to fully resist the enemy, to stand and live victoriously! We Mamas can help them make this happen.

  4. This is so true MariJo! Many of the lies that our children believe about themselves begin when they are young. It breaks my heart to see the lies played out as teens and then full grown when they are adults. I pray this will encourage parents everywhere to speak the truth of the power of God over our children’s lives. He has great plans for our kids and we need to be calling those plans and the truth of our kids identities out to them often!! They need to hear the truth straight from us long before our culture calls out the lies it has for them!

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