Overcoming Fear 12- Day Devotional Plan Printable

Friend, are you struggling with fear? Maybe you worry about the pandemic and how it’s going to affect you and your loved ones, or maybe you are experiencing a health, financial, or relationship crisis that began before the pandemic, and right now, the fear feels crippling. Join the Help Club for Moms as we dive into the truth about fear and how we can become conquerors through Jesus Christ.

Click this link to access the printable!

Linda Steppenbacker

9 Comments on “Overcoming Fear 12- Day Devotional Plan Printable”

    1. Oh, Nicky, I am so sorry. I don’t know exactly what your situation is, but I’ve been in a place of so much fear before and lived in the confines of a lot of fears for most of my life, in fact. God has so much freedom and joy for us. Jesus paid for it! Continue seeking Him and what He has for you. Jesus came so that we could have life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10). I hope this study blesses you. I’m praying for you!

    1. Thank you, Makeesha! I so appreciate your heart. It’s definitely not easy, but I’m so glad that my story can help others. Thank you and blessings to you!

  1. Hi Linda!

    Thank you for making this study available. I have dealt with anxiety and fear for a few years now and starting now to realize I am no longer a slave to fear! I am reading books, listening to music and I’m excited now for this study. Happy Easter and have a great week!

    1. Kristi, I am so glad that my study is a part of your journey out of anxiety and fear. God has provided us with so much freedom. I am so glad that you are well on your way to it! It sounds like you are doing so many good things. Praying for you, that God will bring you completely into His glorious freedom!

  2. Praise God for His love for you and your family during this trying times and I am looking forward to learn more about it through your experiences . Thank you for being willing to share with us . Love Elena

    1. Thanks, Elena! I hope that this study and our story blesses you! You can watch me and Mike on the Facebook Live videos too. We did one last Tuesday and will be doing another one this coming Tuesday at 10:30. You can find them on the Help Club for Moms page.

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