Partnering with God this Christmas

“Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel You will guide me, and afterward receive me to glory.” Psalm 73:23-24 (NASB)

“Christmas can’t be bought from a store… Maybe Christmas means a little bit more.” Dr. Seuss

  • Dear Mom, as we all lead busy lives with kids in tow, we need the gentle reminder that Jesus is truly the reason for the season!
  • Read Luke 2:1-20. As you read the Christmas story, take it all in that Jesus came to us because we were in need of a Savior! Take a moment to praise Him!

Partnering with God this Christmas

As I consider Christmas and realize that Christ is at the very center, it beckons me to refocus my lens and make sure that He is woven throughout all I strive to do during Christmastime.

I adore holidays, especially Christmas. In our home, we celebrate with decorations and fun activities, and there is a general joy of anticipating what’s to come. I find though, that as my kids get older, I want to drown out all the “noise” of the holiday that keeps us engaged in the culture, and remember what we are really celebrating: Christ’s entrance into this world as our Savior! Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching Elf, sipping hot chocolate, and making gingerbread houses as much as the next person, but if these take the place of honoring Jesus in my home (and they have some years!), my heart starts to feel heavy and uneasy.

In church one day, my pastor talked about “partnering with God” as we begin our day by saying, “Holy Spirit, help me today to partner with you in all I do.” I wondered how I could draw near to God in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. During the holidays, God gets lost in the never-ending to-do list. At times, my to-do list to create a perfect celebration trumps the celebration itself! I have it backwards!

What if I started my Christmas season in a quiet space, with my heart turned heavenward, asking expectantly, “God, how can I partner with you this Christmas? What activities and gifts will lead my family to experience your entrance into this world more fully? How can my heart be turned to you this season?”

As you ponder this idea, imagine you are taking God’s hand and letting Him lead you this season. Push away feelings of measuring up, buying the perfect gifts, or setting the most impressive table. Set your eyes on Christ this Christmas, and as you partner with Him, His presence will bless your family with joy!

“Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel, You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory” (Psalm 73:23-24).

Blessings and Love,

Krystle Porter and the Help Club for Moms Team

Questions to Ponder

  • What does a typical Christmas look like for you? Are you pleased with your approach or is there something you could change?
  • What would a Christ-centered Christmas look like to you, ideally? Take people-pleasing off of the table! If there were no expectations from others, what would your ideal Christmas look like?

Faith-Filled Ideas

Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Instead of your normal to-do list for the season, make a CHRIST-centered to-do list! Plan a special, set apart time to pray and consider what God would have you do in your home this season for Him! Who can you bless this season? Is there a family in need that you can help? What type of gifts is God calling you to give? Does He want you to give lavishly to someone, or is He telling you to give of yourself in some way? God will speak to your heart, but remember to write it all down!


This devotional comes from our book “Holidays with the Help Club.” You can find it HERE!

Krystle Porter
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