Spirit-Led Living Week 2 Mom Tips

by Leslie Leonard

“The wise woman builds her house.” Proverbs 14:1a

The Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, discipler of your children, homemaker, and friend.

Keep this list on your fridge for two weeks. Pick one or two things each week to try and check them off as you do them.   

You can also do more than what is suggested. You do you!  We all are in different stages of our lives.

Simply pray about which Mom Tips to do and do only those. Do what you can and celebrate the fact that you added something new to enhance your life!

 The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit: Done:______

  • Meditate on scripture during your quiet time this week. World views on meditation tell us to empty our minds but true Biblical meditation fills your mind and heart with God’s truth. Read the Bible until a particular verse stands out to you. Stop and read that verse over and over again. Emphasize the first word, then the next time you read it, emphasize the second and continue the process.
  • Read Proverbs 15:30. Write the verse in your journal. Take the words to heart and SMILE more during your everyday tasks.

– The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband: Done:______

  • Ask the Holy Spirit this week to guide you closer to your husbands heart. Earnestly cry out for more patience and grace when talking with your husband. Give him some extra affection too!
  • Ask your husband to pray with you immediately after the children go to bed. The prayer time does not need to be very long (especially if this is something new to you and your husband). Find a length of time that works for you and does not feel like a burden. Bonus tip: If a child gets out of bed during your prayer time, instead of reprimanding, use the opportunity to model the importance of praying together.

-The Wise Woman Loves Her Children:   Done:______

  • Choose your favorite (and simple) cookie recipe and make some cookies with your kids. Let them help mix the dough and get the cookies ready to bake. Take time and live in the moment with your kids. Be present.
  • Grab your journal and write down your five favorite things about each of your children. Try to do this on Monday. Take one favorite item each day, tell your child what you wrote and give them a great big hug.

-The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home: Done:______

  • Meal plan for your week. Take time at the beginning of the week to plan your family meals. Determine what items are needed from the store. Make your shopping list and get any other prep work for family meals done.
  • Let’s continue to declutter and organize our homes. Tackle your children’s closets and dressers. Remove any clothing that is too small or worn out. If the item can be handed down, hang it up in that child’s closet. Give away or sell anything that does not fit your family anymore. Toss the items that have lived a good life.