Remind Yourself to Trust

Read Isaiah 30:15 “This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”

Dear friend, I don’t know what you are facing today. Perhaps you are up against economic pressures, health concerns, relational hardships, or even struggles within yourself. 

But whatever problem you are facing, whatever fear that is threatening your heart and mind, I do know this: God is with you. He loves you as His very own precious child, and He wants to take your burdens. He wants to strengthen you, give you joy, and give you His peace that passes all understanding. These are gifts that will take you through any trial, no matter how fierce! 

He wants you to know that He has overcome the world and every enemy within it, including fear. 

And because you are in Him and He is in you, you also have overcome the world. Victory is yours because you are His! So be encouraged! Because of His great love for us, we are more than conquerors! 

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for Your words of life to us. Help us to use them in a way in which they become a part of our identity, so we can use them to overcome. Thank You for Your great love for us, Your provision for us, and Your victory for us. We love You. Amen!

In closing, just as we used the double-edged sword of Scripture to fight fear, we are going to use Scripture to encourage ourselves to trust God. On the following printable, are some of my favorite verses about trust, worship, rest, and the hope we have in God. Put them up somewhere that you will see them frequently for some Holy Spirit motivation!

Click here to access the “Remind Yourself to Trust” Scripture printable.

Linda Steppenbacker

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