Six Steps to Enjoy a More Peaceful Home

Would you like a few suggestions to help your home feel more peaceful this summer? These six ideas have helped me to enjoy my home life with my family more. I pray they will help you too!

1. Relax– Make an allowance for your kid’s faults (Ephesians 4:2). They are going to mess up, and it’s okay. Jesus already knows, and that’s why He came! Lead them to the One who empowers them to overcome sin.
2. Walk in humility- Don’t parent out of pride. (Proverbs 11:2) If your kids misbehave in public or act up around your friend’s kids, smile and simply say, “So sorry, we’re trying to work on this right now.” Admit it when your kids are wrong but don’t shame them.
3. Respond gently– Proverbs 15:1 (NKJV) says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.” Whoa…this is a tough one, but it totally works! Breathe a prayer as you count to ten if you’re angry.
4. Have patience– James 1:19b (NLT) says, “You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” Best advice ever!
5. Let Jesus lead you–  Galatians 5:17-18 says, “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.” Wow, think about that one! Ask God what He thinks, carefully listen, and then obey. The Spirit gives life, but the law strengthens sin. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit.
6. Live in peace– As you apply the first five steps above, the peace of Jesus will reign in your home (Ephesians 4:3b).
Mari Jo Mast
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10 Comments on “Six Steps to Enjoy a More Peaceful Home”

  1. Thank you May Jo, my children are all young adults now and I can see the true value of your tips!! Looking back there’s so much I wish I could change! Especially be slow to anger😔 What great biblically founded tips!
    I shared this with my 26 yo daughter in hopes she will apply them w/my 5 yo grandson .

  2. I’ve never applied these verses to parenting. But wow they are such good reminders of Gods goodness to us.

  3. Awesome tips. Especially be quick to listen slow to speak slow to be angry, I never looked at this verse has having patience. Now when I pray for patience this will be my verse of choice.

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