The Blessings Of My Heritage

“You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 3:15 (NLT)

I grew up in an incredible home where my parents loved each other and they loved God even more.  As a mother now, I realize what a blessing my upbringing was and how those years shaped me into the parent I am today.  As I reflect on those years, I hope to encourage all of you, dear friends, that your prayerful and Christ-filled parenting will change your children’s lives!  Raising children is relentless and sacrificial work, but I am here to tell you that your kids will go out and change the world because they had parents dependent on Jesus Christ!  Teaching your children the Word of God, staying married, creating rules and boundaries, and most of all, showing Christ’s love is worth the investment and time!  Here are some of the blessings of my heritage.  I pray you are encouraged and refreshed knowing that you are doing an amazing job and your kids are blessed to have you as their mama:

  1. My parents modeled a life of obedience to God for me to follow.  They both read their Bibles, prayed regularly, and wove the Lord into all aspects of our home.
  2. I was naturally confident when I became a parent because I had such patient, kind, and Godly role models to follow.
  3. I learned and witnessed a healthy marriage all the years of my childhood.  My parents were loving towards one another and showed grace.  They always assumed the best and made time for their marriage.
  4. I was eager to become a mom because my mom had fun in her role!  She was joyful, radiant, rarely complained, and most of all, she turned to the Lord for her daily bread.
  5. My parents taught me the value of building a rich community.  They brought me to church every week and demonstrated the importance of living life alongside other Christ-followers.
  6. Money was never an idol in our home.  We lived modestly on a budget and my mom even taught me how to coupon and shop the sales.  My husband really appreciates this one!!!

In my twenties, I often, foolishly, thought that my childhood had been too sheltered. I thought that I was missing out because I didn’t have a radical conversion or a time where I was alone and unwanted, and I desperately heard God’s voice.  However, my life and the heritage my parents gave me are examples of great faithfulness.  It is a life marked with obedience and dependency on Jesus.  Raising Godly children is a high calling and an amazing duty, and I now see that fully.  “Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” Psalm 145:4 (NLT). Dear mamas, let us all pray daily for the strength, passion, and joy to raise our children well, leaving them with a Christ-filled heritage.

Blessings and Love,


What’s Next

Create one new habit or add an element to your home which will help you raise responsible and Godly children.  My parents read the Bible to us and brought us to church every Sunday, but there were also other amazing things they taught me which I brought into my own parenting.  Here are a few:

  • My dad always prayed before leaving on a family vacation.  He prayed for peace and happiness to prevail and that we would always glorify the Lord wherever we went.
  • My parents had young couples come to our home often and spoke to them with confidence and great leadership.  Seeing this mentorship and discipleship greatly impacted my heart towards doing ministry.
  • My sisters and I felt loved, seen, known, and appreciated all the days of our childhood.  My parents did an amazing job of taking us on dates and giving us valuable time alone with each of them.
Rachel Jones
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