The Wise Woman Knows Mom Tips: Week 6

The Wise Woman Knows Mom Tips: Week 6

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

These Mom Tips are meant to enhance your life and role as a Christian wife, mom, discipler of your children, homemaker, and friend.

Pray about which ideas to try and keep this list on your fridge all week. Check them off as you accomplish them. Complete all of the Mom Tips or pick one to finish.

We all are in different stages of our lives. You do you! Do what you can and celebrate the fact that you added something new to enhance your life!

The Wise Woman Builds Her Spirit
• Write Ephesians 2:19-22 on a notecard or in your journal. Work on memorizing these verses by
the end of the week.
• When you feel frustrated this week, try this method from Help Club Team Member Tara Davis:
“Before you speak, take the time to sing a short song of praise to the Lord or recite a favorite
Bible verse. This can be out loud or in your mind. This will give you time to calm down and
collect your thoughts and focus on the Lord. You will find yourself choosing words that build
up instead of tear down.”

The Wise Woman Loves Her Husband
• Create a habit of praying for your husband. Pray each time you switch the laundry or empty/
load the dishwasher.
• Plan a night out with your husband this week. Arrange for a sitter and enjoy some much needed
time to reconnect. If a sitter is not an option, plan a fun night in with a favorite movie or board
game. Take the time to really connect with your spouse. Remember what it was like when you
were dating and before kids and have fun!

The Wise Woman Loves Her Children
• Pick a day to play some good, old-fashioned games with your children. Some great choices are
Hide-and-Seek, Sardines, and Capture the Flag. Make some memories and have some fun!
• Encourage your children to memorize Romans 8:31. Write it on your chalkboard or hang it on
the refrigerator. Take turns during meal times and car rides saying the verse. Even the smallest
child can memorize Scripture.

The Wise Woman Cares For Her Home
• Start a load of laundry, first thing, three days this week. Move it to the dryer when it finishes
washing. Fold and put the items away as soon as they are dry.
• Utilize the weekly and daily plan sheets (on pgs. 217-225 of this book) and on our website. Go to in the Getting Started tab and click on Plan Your Week. This helpful tool
will enable you to schedule your day from beginning to end, starting with your daily quiet time.



Leslie Leonard and the Help Club for Moms


Leslie Leonard
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