When Two or More are Gathered

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” –Matthew‬ ‭18:19-20

Here at Help Club For Moms, we believe in the power of prayer! An essential part of our Bible study program is praying with a prayer partner once a week over the phone for 10 minutes. So many moms have been paired together from different walks of life and have become fast friends and prayer warriors as a result! I still pray with a prayer partner every week but here is how I discovered the power of praying together with a friend.

Years ago, I had a prayer partner with whom I prayed every Monday afternoon. This time set apart from our busy young lives, showed me that God is faithful like no other. He is such a good Father and loves when we reserve time and space to come into His presence!  

My friend and I were both unmarried and concerned about our future; we purposely asked the Lord to bring godly husbands into our lives. Because we were so vastly different, our prayers were different too! I wanted a faithful husband who was adventurous and wanted lots of children. She wanted someone who was as educated as she was (she was a lawyer) and who loved Italian culture. Even though our husbands came into our lives at different times, we both married men that fit these exact specifications and characteristics! She married an Italian lawyer who loves opera, and I married a soldier who loves to camp and travel. We both now have five beautiful children and a thriving marriage each. 

Sister, God cares about every detail of your life. This article isn’t about praying for your husband or conception but about how detail-oriented our heavenly Father is! He wants us to be specific and spend time with Him in prayer. The more we pray and see answered prayers,  the more we realize that prayer is an asset to the Kingdom of God. Prayer works, and so does the power of your testimony! 

Mama, the enemy of our souls, does not want us to spend this gratifying and enriching time with Jesus. He doesn’t want us to grasp the powerful magnitude we possess when we are fueled by prayer! Distractions will suddenly appear-your baby might cry, the phone might ring, and you might even get a flat tire on the way to meet your prayer partner. It’s imperative that you safeguard this time by asking Jesus to protect it, preserve it, bless it, and give you the ability to stay committed to it.

Sister, when we seek the Father, He is attentive to our words, pleas, and cries. He listens to them all! Ask God to bring you a prayer partner today, and don’t blink if she is nothing like you- iron sharpens iron, sister! Be committed, pray openly, and watch God reveal His plans for your good!

🙏 Love, Rae-Ellen Sanders & the Help Club For Moms Team

Rae-Ellen Sanders
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