Who Am I? Helping Our Children Understand Who They Are

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLT

Who Am I? Helping Our Children Understand Who They Are

School is starting, school is starting, school is starting, yay!   The new school year is such a momentous time.  Coming off of summer and adjusting our kids’ sleep schedules, eating routines, and nighttime rituals is a huge part of growing up and our kids will thrive on the change if we stay joyful, patient, and intentional.  A tradition my children and I have is completing a questionnaire of sorts.  This is meant to be fun and even silly, but also it’s an incredible way to get each of our children thinking and talking.

As Christian women, we are tasked with evaluating our lives and leaning into God as to how and why our behaviors and habits should be adjusted; and our children need to do the same thing on their own level.  Philippians 2:13 says, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him,”(NLT). Humans, even little ones, fall into patterns that aren’t healthy.  In addition, as our kids think about their previous school year, it is so helpful for them to recognize what they struggled with and make goals, tangible and in prayer, for how to grow in those areas.  

Here is our template, but of course these questions can be adjusted for age.  You know your children best, dear mama, but I promise you that even a 4 year old can participate and have lots of fun with this!  Lastly, we record and save all of their answers in a binder I created for each child.  It is fun and helpful to see the areas of growth and change every school year when the binders get pulled out again.

  1. What are you most looking forward to this school year?
  2. What was the hardest thing from last year?
  3. What is your favorite subject and why?
  4. What is your least favorite subject and why?
  5. What do you want to be when you grow-up?
  6. What are your goals for this year?
  7. What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
  8. What is your least favorite thing to do for fun?
  9. For older children – What did God teach you last year? I like them to consider: 




Not academic related. This is super important, especially for kids 10 and up.

Rachel Jones
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