๐Ÿ’—Are you ready to love?

Oh, mamas, are you like me, is your heart longing for something more? Are you ready to learn to be more patient and loving with the precious ones in your life more than ever before? Do you so deeply desire to move forward as a mom and a wife, to walk in the fullness of GOD’S joy, love, and peace? Me too sister, me too. I WANT TO LEARN TO LOVE!!! I am so ready! Are you?

๐Ÿ’—The WISE WOMAN LOVES Bible study is beginning on February 3rd and it is going to be absolutely HEART CHANGING!!!๐Ÿ’— Please will you join us? But, girls, we don’t have to wait to become more loving! Let’s start NOW! Let’s start praying in the last two weeks of January that God would radically EXPAND THE LOVE in our hearts…to be ever-closer to HIM, and help us be more in love with our husband and children, and committed to learning to love them like Jesus each day, with His wisdom and help! He is our only source of true help ladies!

And let’s start asking Him to prepare our hearts for the Wise Woman Loves Bible study right now!!! I am SO excited about what God is doing! And I cannot wait to walk through this brand new Bible study with you! I know that, through it, God is going to bring the growth we all are so desperately longing for! ๐Ÿ’—

Walk with us on this journey as God grows each of us into the women He has created us to be!!

๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—Check out the book right here and join us this Spring!!๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

With love,

Krystle and the Help Club for Moms Team

Krystle Porter
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