Everything Must Go

“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.” Ephesians 3:17 (NLT).

I was driving the other day and while sitting at a red light, I looked on the corner and there was a man standing on the sidewalk wearing a large yellow sign that read “Everything Must Go”. As the light turned green and I pulled away, those three words rattled around in my spirit like a nickel in a tin cup.

“What does the Lord want me to understand about those words?” I wondered. And as I continued driving I started to think about the things in my life—an inventory of idols, thoughts, worries, doubts, and questions that take up so much space in my heart. I asked the Lord to search me and show me what needs to go so that I have room for all of the things that will allow Him to fulfill his plan and purpose for my life.

My dear sister, what if we looked at our bitterness and said, ‘”No, you cannot stay because you’re taking up place where my joy can be.” Or, to misery say, “You’re taking space where my purpose should be.” “Depression you can’t stay because my joy must be put in your place.”

Everything that has no value for what he wants to do in our lives must go. As we filter through our lives, memories, and emotions, we will realize that we have picked up some habits and patterns and thoughts that we shouldn’t have and we cannot advance in our walk with Jesus until we clean out what needs to go.

The fear, the doubts, the hate, the unforgiveness, the anxiety, the depression, every insecurity has to go. Mama, it is time to tell the enemy that you have had enough, he can’t have you any longer because whom the Son sets free is free indeed. God has given us this authority and it’s time for you to unleash it.

Speak to those things that need to go because it is time for you to grow!

Blessings as you clean out the old and make room for the new,

Susie and the Help Club for Moms Team

For more information about Susie and her ministry, visit her website susieoneal.org.




Susie O'Neal
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