Hearing God Episode Three: Hearing God For Your Husband

“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63 (Emphasis Mine)

If you can hear the voice of God for yourself, you can hear it for your husband! There is nothing better than getting a word from God’s heart. You can do this every day for yourself, but it’s also an amazing gift to give your husband. 

All it takes to get a word from God for your husband is asking God a question on behalf on your husband. Just like you can sit and ask Him a question for yourself, you can insert your husband’s name and ask about him. It’s just that easy. God loves our husbands. And He has a lot to say about them!  

Psalm 139 is such a beautiful Psalm. I suggest that you read the whole thing and consider just how much God loves you (and your husband!). God knows your husband so well, so intimately. He created him, He goes before and behind him, He knit him together in his mother’s womb. There is nothing that was or is hidden from God about your husband. 

So ask Him! Ask Him how He sees your husband. Ask Him what He has to say to or about your husband. Seek the Lord for answers to problems that your husband is facing. Go to the Lord on your husband’s behalf, and you will be so blessed by it!

And remember: God’s words of prophecy are always encouraging and they always bring LIFE! Never use prophecy as a weapon against him or a way of pushing your own agenda.

I promise you, that as you bless your husband, you yourself will be blessed! It is a privilege to hear the Father’s heart for your husband and to see just how much He loves the one that you love. 

Questions to ask God:

  1. How do You see my husband? Please show me.
  2. What do You (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) each have to say about my husband?
  3. What do You have to say about this particular situation that my husband is facing?
  4. What is on Your heart for my husband today?
  5. What Bible character do You say my husband is like? And why?
  6. You can turn any question that you would ask for yourself into a question for your husband. So if you just asked God a really awesome question for yourself, ask Him what He has to say or what He has to show you about your husband too. Have fun with it!

With love,

Linda and the Help Club for Moms Team


Linda Steppenbacker

6 Comments on “Hearing God Episode Three: Hearing God For Your Husband”

  1. Hey Alexandra,
    I work with Linda and the Help Club for Mom’s team. This is a great question. In 1 Corinthians 14:3 it talks about the gift of prophecy being used to edify, exhort, and comfort one another. Prophecy is to be used to build up the body and bring maturity. As a prophetic person you are going to hear, see, and feel things from the Lord that may appear negative. God has taught me to flip what I am seeing into something redemptive for that person. God only shows us things because He is wanting to bring about His redemptive change. The definition of exhortation is to strongly urge, or warn a person, but in a way that encourages them to walk in that way. God never condemns (Romans 8) or exposes (Genesis 9). He always speaks to our potential, and His end result.
    In my own prophetic journey I have seen some really negative things in peoples relationships and life. I have learned to flip the negative I see, and turn it into a word of redemption that exhorts them to come up higher, and see what God is doing and cooperate with that rather than what the enemy is doing.

  2. Hey guys… love your podcast the the mom help club. Always so encouraged and refreshed by your conversations in Gods word. I’m a bit confused though about your definition of prophecy. A few years ago I had a prophetic word for a friend about a situation. It wasn’t an encouraging word, it was a warning. This was given to them by another person as well (confirming the word of warning I was given for them. They didn’t listen to it and had to suffer some consequences for it. God has been so faithful to them – but it’s been difficult. I’m just wondering if you could define what this is? Is this prophecy? Or is this something else?

    1. Hey Alexandra! It is so great to hear from you! I wanted to make sure you saw this answer from one of our amazing moms from the teaching team at Help Club: Jackie:

      Hey Alexandra,
      I work with Linda and the Help Club for Mom’s team. This is a great question. In 1 Corinthians 14:3, it talks about the gift of prophecy being used to edify, exhort, and comfort one another. Prophecy is to be used to build up the body and bring maturity. As a prophetic person, you are going to hear, see, and feel things from the Lord that may appear negative. God has taught me to flip what I am seeing into something redemptive for that person. God only shows us things because He is wanting to bring about His redemptive change. The definition of exhortation is to strongly urge, or warn a person, but in a way that encourages them to walk in that way. God never condemns (Romans 8) or exposes (Genesis 9). He always speaks to our potential and His end result.
      In my own prophetic journey, I have seen some really negative things in people’s relationships and life. I have learned to flip the negative I see, and turn it into a word of redemption that exhorts them to come up higher, and see what God is doing and cooperate with that rather than what the enemy is doing.

  3. Good devotion!! Listening for God to show me how to specifically pray for my husband is important.

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