Meet Your Supernatural Mom Teaching Team: Bek Measmer

⭐ Meet Your Supernatural Mom Teaching Team: Bek Measmer
Mama, do you need encouragement? The Supernatural Mom teaching team is a good resource to draw from, especially when you are going through a tough season. Instructors like Bek Measmer, who has walked the painful road of discouragement and found strength and help from the One who loves us most- Jesus Christ. Her testimony is powerful, and she shares her life and experiences in the Mothering Kits. You will LOVE learning from Bek!
Here’s a little word from her about why she loves being part of the Supernatural Mom Teaching Team:
“Each of us aspires to be a supernatural mom, faithfully cultivating joy, health, order, wisdom, and abundant life in our families. What I love about our Supernatural Mom teaching team is that we draw from a wealth of experiences—both joyous and painful—as we encourage and build up the sweet mamas around us by first pointing them back to Jesus.
I pray this for you today…
Father God, thank You for being our perfect Daddy, faithfully growing us as Your daughters in joy, mental, physical, and spiritual health, wisdom, and abundant life in ourselves and our families. Thank you for pouring out Your Spirit upon us and wrapping us in a blanket of Your love and unconditional acceptance. Pull us up into Your lap and teach us to be the supernatural mothers that You planned for each of us to be through the power of Your Holy Spirit. To You be the glory for all of our victories. Amen.”

You may sign up for your FREE two-week Supernatural Mom Mothering Kits Membership HERE!

Deb Weakly

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