Mom Tips Friday: How to Host a Vision Party

Hello, sweet friends! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to celebrate your dreams as if they’ve already come true? In our latest episode, we’re talking all about hosting a Vision Party!

Imagine a cozy night with your dearest friends, delicious food, and an atmosphere overflowing with joy and creativity. We’ll pretend it’s five years from now and rejoice together as if all our dreams and goals have come to life!

Tune in to learn how to host your own Vision Party, speak life into each other’s dreams, and celebrate God’s amazing plans for us. Let’s come together, dream big, and joyfully envision the beautiful future God has prepared!

Are you ready to embrace your future with faith and joy? Listen now!

Click HERE for the emails I sent the guests and the questions to print out for the party!

Click HERE to sign up for a two-week free Mothering Kits Mentoring Community membership!


Deb Weakly

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